When the unexpected death of your pet is too much to bear – a healing message from angel cat Sam

[When the unexpected death of your pet is too much to bear – a healing message from angel cat Sam] I connected with My beloved angel cat Sam in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you. You can both read and listen to Sam's … [Read more...]

Remembering the love – a sacred spirit meeting with a beloved cat

When our beloved pet has passed, there is an emptiness in our heart, and pain of their loss can stay with us for a very long time. Through a Sacred Spirit Journey, a meeting with our beloved animal's spirit can bring much peace and comfort, help us … [Read more...]

Coping with the sudden loss of a pet

When a beloved pet dies, the grief and the pain of the loss of our trusted friend and companion can be difficult to handle. And if an animal companion dies suddenly, the pain can be extra intense and almost unbearable, because we were unprepared and … [Read more...]

Coping with a missing pet – part 4

This article is part 4 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read part 1, part 2, and part 3. Moving forward when your pet is missing The loss of a beloved pet is a heartbreaking experience that can turn your whole world … [Read more...]

Coping with a missing pet: Helpful advice from an angel cat

This article is part 1 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read  part 2, part 3, and part 4. When a beloved pet goes missing, the uncertainty and the fear of what may have happened can be devastating. Not only can your … [Read more...]

Synchronicity after pet loss: a true story

After the death of a pet, we often wish we could get some kind of sign that our pet is okay in the afterlife. We want to reach out to our beloved animal companion and feel the connection once again, even if only for a brief moment. And we can. If we … [Read more...]

Pets as family: the animal – human bond

I was just thinking about the term "pet owner" - do you think of yourself as the "owner" of a pet? If you are anything like me, you probably think of yourself more as a relative, friend, companion, and caretaker of your pet or animal companion. Pets … [Read more...]

Invitation to the Pinterest Pet Memorial Board

Remembering and Celebrating Our Pets On Pinterest Have you lost a beloved pet? Let’s connect on Pinterest to remember and celebrate our pets. Pinterest Pet Memorial Board I have created the Pet Memorial Board on www.pinterest.com/healingpetloss. … [Read more...]

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