Signs and Synchronicities after Pet Loss

[Signs and Synchronicities after Pet Loss] When your beloved pet has passed, receiving a sign from the pet or experiencing a synchronicity can bring much comfort. We want to reach out to our beloved animal companion and feel their presence once … [Read more...]

Angel cat Prince Harry and his little white wings

[Angel cat Prince Harry and his little white wings] I did this Sacred Spirit Journey for Kathleen's angel cat Prince Harry on April 30, 2023. You can both listen to and read Prince Harry's message below. Listen to the Healing Pet … [Read more...]

Blessings from Artemis the angel cat

After the loss of a beloved pet, one of the things that can bring real healing and comfort is connecting with the pet in the afterlife I have experienced that myself numerous times in connection with the passing of my own animal friends I have also … [Read more...]

Bonnie the angel cat’s message of love – A Sacred Spirit Journey

When a beloved animal companion passes, the grief, the guilt and the huge emptiness we are left with is heartbreaking. One of the most powerful ways to deal with the loss of a beloved pet is to connect with the spirit of the deceased pet. It is … [Read more...]

Will the grief after pet loss ever go away?

As I was standing in the kitchen doing dishes this morning, my thoughts went for a moment to my beloved angel cat Kia, who died alone in an animal hospital in July 2012,  a little more than 3 years ago as I write this. Although I generally am at … [Read more...]

Coping with the sudden loss of a pet

When a beloved pet dies, the grief and the pain of the loss of our trusted friend and companion can be difficult to handle. And if an animal companion dies suddenly, the pain can be extra intense and almost unbearable, because we were unprepared and … [Read more...]

Kia and the butterfly: Animals as teachers of transformation

Animals are wonderful teachers and companions They bring us so much joy, and they make our lives rich and meaningful. In addition to teaching us about unconditional love and being in the present moment, animals can also be invaluable teachers of … [Read more...]

Synchronicity after pet loss: a true story

After the death of a pet, we often wish we could get some kind of sign that our pet is okay in the afterlife. We want to reach out to our beloved animal companion and feel the connection once again, even if only for a brief moment. And we can. If we … [Read more...]

Jonathan Livingston Seagull revisited

The other day I was looking for something inspiring to read for a train ride and Richard Bach's book "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" suddenly caught my attention. I hadn't read that book in years, and I felt it was time for a re-read. Jonathan … [Read more...]

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