After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones. I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Tammy, the angel dog.
You can both listen to and read Tammy’s’s message below.
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The greatest wish of those who have lost a beloved pet is to experience that connection again that the physical companionship with their animal friend inspired. A direct connection with your pet is the best medicine for healing after pet loss, and below we will hear from Deborah’s angel dog Tammy, as I connect with her in a Sacred Spirit Journey,
As I begin my Sacred Spirit Journey to meet Tammy, I find myself in a place of light. Brilliant, beautiful light that has a light rose-colored ‘feel’ to it. In that place of light we walk towards a place where there is a little pond with a bench next to it.
“Have a seat,” I hear. It is Tammy speaking. Her presence is soft, compassionate and kind. She is at peace and almost goddess-like. Deborah has arrived here as well.
Tammy says to Deborah:
I am your heart’s companion, and from this place of light, I greet you from the heart.
This is a place where your heart can heal.
I meet you today with a deep gratitude that fills my soul, and I gift you my heart’s thankfulness for all that you have done and been for me.
I am a heart opener for those that are ready, and as they really see me and my light, blessings enter their lives, for this little body was a portal to the infinite love which is the center and source of the universe.
While my body had issues and challenges, my spirit never wavered or lost touch with its origin and its mission: to be and share love in its purest form. I am grateful you allowed me to hold the space of love for you, that you recognized my soul’s light, that you cared for me tirelessly and with such devotion.
I loved you as much as you loved me – to infinity – and I love you still. That will never change, for our souls are both on the path to learn, be, and share love.
I loved being close to you. Always near and always dear. Peace filled my heart in your presence, and now I hold the peace for you as you grieve my loss.
I am in spirit now, and I am doing well. My spirit is strong, my light is shining brightly. Only love and kindness around me. I send you that loving kindness now to ease your pain. In quiet moments, open your senses and feel me near.
Grief is not to be feared or resisted, it goes with loving and opening your heart to another. As you allow the grief, peace will comfort your heart and soul, for happy memories will bring you joy, and thankfulness will fill your soul.
Gratitude, as you know, is a way to peace, because it acknowledges the past, eases you into the present and shines a light to a future where my light shines in your heart, and our souls continue their joined path of love. If you recognize that our connection is essentially one of the heart and soul, you will feel and know without a doubt that we cannot be apart, for we are one.
I fell in love when I first looked into your eyes, for I recognized my soul’s companion.
Return, when you are ready, to the joy that my presence brought you, and carry it with you as you move forward. Share the love as I taught you, knowing there is always more where it comes from.
As you wake up to a new day, you wake up to my blessings and as you at night say goodbye to the day that passed, do it with thankfulness. Know that I will be by your side, as I always was and always will be.
Your Tammy.
I thank Tammy for her beautiful message and end the journey.
Tammy the angel dog’s message of light brought much healing and peace to her grieving human companion Deborah, who said after receiving the journey:
“I will cherish this message from my little girl Tammy forever.” ~ Deborah
Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.