Tears in heaven

A common emotion after the death of a pet is guilt. Here are some situations, where we might experience guilt after the loss of a pet:

  • If our pet died alone, for instance at home or among strangers, we feel guilty and think that if we were there we might have been able to save him or her – or we would at least have had a chance to say goodbye.
  • if our pet had a violent death, we blame ourselves for not being able to protect him
  • or if you had to euthanize your pet, you are probably wondering if it was the right thing to do, or if you should have tried harder to save him and get him well.

The guilt after pet loss comes in many forms. How does yours look? Do you feel responsible for your pet’s death? Do you feel you could have done things differently?

Just look at whatever beliefs and feelings you have. In many cases they are not rational and you did the best you could; and you probably couldn’t have done anything differently. And even if you could have done some things differently, what do you think your pet would say if you could ask him? Would he or she forgive you?

Finally, I would like to share a video with you from YouTube. I hope you like it too: Eric Clapton singing “Tears In Heaven”. If the video is not visible you can clink on the link instead.

Tears in heaven

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