“Thanks for the beautiful message from Polly. It is very reassuring that you went to a beach with her, we used to live near a beach and it was one of her favourite places. You also got her personality right; she was a very special dog with a powerful yet gentle presence. A very soft girl full of love. You have a unique gift. Thank you for sharing it with me and Polly.” ~ Justine M.
“I will cherish this message from my little girl Tammy forever.” ~ Deborah
“Thanks so much for the message Grisa sent me through your help. I feel that, thanks to you, I will be better able to cope with her physical loss and will also gain a lot in my spiritual approach to her. I see her in a different way now. In her message everything falls into place and I feel really calm and happy to have contacted you, and will treasure her message forever.” ~ Lola Ferrer
It is with deep gratitude and a thankful heart that I “met” Marianne Soucy within just a few days after the sudden and unexpected passing of my “soul” dog, Legend. I could not possibly understand how I would be able to begin the healing process of her passing. It was through Marianne’s Sacred Spiritual Journey when Marianne met my Angel Legend that the healing process began and the deep grieving began to lessen. I still miss my girl terribly and grieve for her often. It is in those times that I re-read the text or listen to the recording and the comforting words/thoughts that Legend communicated with Marianne that time and time again bring comfort to me. I must admit that I was somewhat skeptical about the Sacred Spiritual Journey but there were so many indications that Marianne’s information was legitimate and given with love. I am so happy I made the decision that I did! If you are missing an angel animal, then I highly recommend you allow Marianne to meet him/her on a Sacred Spiritual Journey. Warm regards, Emily C.
Oh Marianne!
What a beautiful gift you have. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the spiritual journey to bring me Benji’s message. It has brought peace to my soul and joy to my heart. The greatest thing is how he has a rabbit friend. In life he had a rabbit toy. It was his favorite! He played with it all the time. Although I still miss my boy I am comforted by the knowledge that he is always with me and that one day he will show me his landscape and we will be together forever!
Eternally Grateful
Adrianna Villamar
(Benji’s Mom)
I’d like to thank you a lot for all the help I’ve been getting from your wonderful website. I’ve been reading and listening to your Podcasts for weeks. It’s been little over a month since my very loved puppy left. I’ve struggled so much, but thanks to your website, I’ve found a little peace. Your soothing words have been of so much help and comfort. I needed to thank you for your help during this very difficult time for me. :) Thank you so much, I’m sure many people will think the same. You have been like an angel during this time of grief. Thank you once again. A big hug from Venezuela! :) Love and peace. ~ S. Daniela
Thank you for your Easy Exercise on how to make contact with your pet in the afterlife. I tried to contact my dog poppy who I had to euthanize nearly three months ago due to her having a stroke. I’d had her with me for nearly fifteen and a half yrs and I miss her everyday so I thought I would try to make contact earlier today and I was amazed by what happened.Kevin Jones via Facebook:
I didn’t see her, but as soon as I started thinking about her I had a warm feeling which spread from my chest and down both my arms and it was like she was actually in my arms again. No sooner did I have that thought then my arms got hotter and hotter and I had a sense that she was there with me which gave me much comfort so I sat like that for a while just thinking how nice it was to feel her again. I can’t explain, but I know that she was definitely there with me and it was such a strong feeling – I felt happy and that she was happy too. I’ve never felt anything like it before and I was amazed by the strong feeling that poppy was here with me and I believe that she was – the sensation I had only ended when I opened my eyes but I know that she’s near me and will always be.
Thank you for showing me how to contact poppy. I know you have given me much comfort and I hope other people who use your website will get the same comfort too. ~ Pauline H.

When my cat Rags died last year I searched in vain for books on pet loss until I found Marianne’s book online and read it on my Kindle. I found it to be a huge help in accepting that Rags’ physical body had gone but his beautiful spirit hadn’t. When Marianne made a connection with him in the afterlife I realised I didn’t need to feel guilt about his illness, and that the love we had lives on. Rags’ message was inspiring and healing. I love to think he’s out there somewhere having fun. He was a real character of a cat and that came through in the message.
~ Sue M.
Thank you Marianne, What a beautiful message from my beautiful girl. She was (and is) so full of love and light and always knew who needed it- her intuition always amazed me and made me smile.
I am so glad that you are offering to connect with our loved ones. After she passed (and even today), I read everything I could find on pet loss and connecting with them, watched videos, etc. Though most were helpful and encouraging, your book and website really resonated with me and I keep going back and rereading, even today. I have tried several times to connect with my girl but haven’t been able to yet- though I do think that she send me signs. I am very excited to hear what she has to say. ~ Tracey R.
Let me say that it has been a blessing and gift to have found you. I received your book, I have been spreading the word about you, and the healing help I have received from you and your sites has been phenomenal. I thank you so very much.. you have no idea how you touch and heal people. I lost my beloved soul dog last month and a few weeks after that, got the news that my cat has oral cancer, no treatment options. I have really needed you lately, and I am forever grateful that you are there. ~ Maggie B.
Thank you for this article – tears are falling down my face after reading it. I truly have never forgiven myself, and this article helps to bring me comfort. I will be bookmarking it to refer to often. ~ Pam K
I don’t know who you are, I don’t know anything about you. I just know I want to go and hug you now and say “thank you”. ~ Alejandra
There are so few words to describe such great comfort. Thank you. ~ Jacque Ellis
What a wonderful site. ~ Steve
There are no words to express my gratitude to you. Thank you so kindly for taking the time to write me and share that information. I must have read my pet’s message twenty times today. This message has made me cry my eyes out, but, at the same time given me some peace. Each time I am angry and sad, I will read this message. With eternal thanks. ~ Kim R.
It’s the officially recognized “thanksgiving” day here and I just want to tell you that you are one of the people I am thankful for. Your writings have helped me through some tough times when I lost my sweet dogs. Thank you for all you do! ~ Rebecca
I want you to know your site has been a real resource and helped me when very little did. Thank you for your wonderful site and love. ~ Janet von Pressentin
Thank you for this wonderful worksheet, and all of your blogs, articles, and other downloads. They have been a tremendous help to me during this very difficult time. Every time I see your name in my inbox and receive one of your invaluable emails I get a sense of uplifting because I know help is near. It warms my heart to see such caring and sincere work, and I appreciate it. Thank you again! ~ Julie Connors
Thank you for offering this guidance and support to people who are undergoing the painful process of mourning the loss of an animal companion. ~ S.K.
What a poignant, loving, wise, and empowering message from your beloved Kia! …There is so much more to us, and to those who grace our lives, than we tend to recognize. ~ B.E.
Excellent recommendation that pet owners use their own meditation or centering practice as a strategy to help guide, calm, and center themselves when considering pet euthanasia for their own beloved, end-of-life pets. Such sage advice. ~ P.J.
Mahalo nui loa for sharing this site with us all. ~ Sarah M.
Thanks, Marianne. This site is a blessing. ~ Alissa
Thank you for this website. I adored two cats & lost them. ~ Arlene Z.
I found a wonderful resource for people who would either like to be prepared ahead of time (as much as one can) or for people actively in the throes of grief. It is a healing pet loss blog by Marianne Soucy called Healing Pet Loss. She gives practical advice and offers a FREE Healing Pet Loss Gratitude Worksheet for download from her site. Just being at her site and reading other posts was soothing to me. I highly recommend that you check her out.
Do you think you will need a little help when the time comes? Read Marianne’s blog site. I guarantee you won’t feel so alone with your pet grief. Transformation of grief is possible. ~ Beverly J. Harvey
Your article series is very well written. I think the same meditation technique can be used to connect with people as well as with pets. Thank you for connecting the diamonds. ~ Gunvi
You’ve helped me more than you’ll ever know. I could never thank you enough. ~ Stephanie
Thank you for these messages, for your kindness and all that you do. These are very helpful and comforting for me right now and I know they have helped many others who have lost their pets. ~ Ann L.
I appreciate your kind words. Thank you so much. Your website has been wonderful for helping me through this terrible time… Again, thank you for your help! I know I’ll continue to need support in these coming weeks and I really appreciate your kindness. I hope you have a blessed day! ~ Deb B.
Thank you for creating this website, it’s brought me a lot of support in the past months. Thank you so much. ~ Mihaela
Glad I found your website and the comforts it brings. ~ Linda C.
I’m so pleased to have found you. ~ Nataleigh D.