There is a sacredness in tears…

Healing Pet Loss Marianne Soucy - Washington Irving quote cat text shadow 960x640
“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not a mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief. . . and of unspeakable love.” ~Washington Irving

When we lose a beloved animal companion, and we are heartbroken with grief after losing our animal friend, the pain can be hard to cope with. Most of the time we label the grief as something negative – something to get past – but in today’s article I will share insights from my spirit guide about grief that will bring you comfort and help you heal when you animal friend has passed.

I connected with my spirit guide in a Sacred Spirit Journey, and the following is the conversation we had (based on the above quote) and his message:

Spirit guide:

“When you have lost a loved one, you grieve their loss. That’s normal – and painful. To most people, pain is seen as something to avoid, so for some it’s tempting to suppress, numb or try to rush through the grief. For others, pain becomes so dominant, that there’s nothing else, and they end up stuck in the grief.”

Marianne: “What can people do? What’s your advice?”

Spirit guide:

“After a loss, allow yourself to feel, to grieve. Try to go beyond the labeling of feelings as good and bad. Acknowledge what’s there.

When you are overwhelmed with the pain after a loss, remind yourself that you are grieving now because you have loved so deeply. You have experienced – as the quote says – ‘unspeakable love’.

Feel and express the gratitude for the blessing and gift it has been to share a love like that. Send a blessing and your love to the one who’s now in the afterlife in their spirit form. Love crosses all barriers and boundaries, so don’t withhold the love.

Golden retriever - till we meet again - Healing Pet Loss with Marianne Soucy 940 text shadow Remember some good times you shared and relive the joy. As you do, you will discover that grief, love, and joy – they can all coexist side by side. It’s not either or. It’s more where you put your focus. As they are feelings – and feelings tend to come in waves – surrender to whatever wave comes – experience it and let it pass. You are the one experiencing all that.

While your beloved animal friend’s body has passed, acknowledge whatever you feel and know you are never alone. You are always loved.”


“Anything else?”

Spirit guide:

“That’s it for now.”

I thank my spirit guide and end the journey.

For further suggestions for coping with the loss of a beloved pet, see my book, ”Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping & Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides”.


  1. Delinda Harrison says

    I lost my Foxy i will never get over her…i’m in such greief this happen 3years ago i just want to be with her again…thanks for your work

  2. Marianne, thank you for this beautiful article. We lost our dog 3 months ago & it’s still bittersweet. I bought your book back then & it has brought comfort!

  3. Thank you, Marianne. Tears always come when I think of my beloved Rosebud. I miss her so after almost two years. Thank you for this tender post. xox, Reba

  4. Debra Reble says

    Having just lost my beloved Cammi…this post speaks to my heart. Even the picture of the golden as Cammi was a beautiful golden girl. Thank you Marianne

  5. Hi, Marianne: Thank you for this beautiful message. I lost my cat, Cosmo, more than 18 months ago. I am still grieving his death. I love how we can allow the grief and good memories to co-exist, side by side. Thank you again. xoxo

  6. Theresa says

    I couldn’t even read this without crying! I have such a soft heart where animals are concerned. It definitely is unspeakable love, as you mentioned. Thank you, Marianne :-)

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