Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking and the grief that follows difficult to cope with. I have loved and lost animal friends of my own, and one of the things I found most helpful in getting peace after pet loss is connecting with the animal in the afterlife.
For example, when my beloved cat Kia died all alone at the animal hospital in 2012 and I felt deep grief and much guilt, the only thing that helped me get peace of mind was to connect with Kia in the afterlife – to hear if she was okay and if she could forgive me. To do this I developed the Sacred Spirit Journey, which is a form of shamanic journey that includes my Sacred Spirit Writing technique.
I have done journeys for many clients and brought back healing messages from their beloved pets, and I am pleased to be able to share here a Sacred Spirit Journey for Trista’s angel dog Monty.
You can both listen to and read Monty’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Trista’s angel dog Monty, I look at the photo of Monty (the one where he is facing the camera directly).
As I focus on Monty via his photo, I notice Monty is looking back at me. I center in my heart. While centering within, I experience how my heart center opens up to a familiar spirit landscape: a beautiful beach. Monty sees the landscape, gets excited about the beach and comes running towards me, into my heart and out onto the beach. He is so happy.
I join Monty and greet him warmly, telling him how sweet and beautiful he is. Monty smiles as he radiates love and light. His soul is pure, and he is full of Divine Joy. Monty runs around on the beach a little, and then we sit down, watching the sea with the sunlight shining on the water.
I think about Monty’s human companion Trista, and Monty says with complete confidence:
“She’ll find us.”
True enough. Soon after Monty’s statement, we see Trista come walking from the right. She passes some wild roses, and she picks a little rose flower, beautiful and fragrant.
As Trista greets Monty warmly, she gives him the rose, a gift from her heart, and she puts it on his collar. He looks so proud.
My spirit guide comes carrying a little ball that he gives to Monty, who starts playing with the ball right away. As Monty runs around playing, he looks strong and healthy, and full of joy.
A horse, wearing a flower wreath arrives, goes to Trista and says:
“This flower wreath is for you, as a gift from me.”
Horse bends its head so Trista can take the wreath, which she puts on her head. It looks beautiful on her.
Trista creates a bond with Horse right away. It seems they communicate heart-to-heart, for very few words are necessary between them. They understand each other.
Trista leans her head against Horse’s neck, sighs deeply and says “Thank you” to Horse.
Trista turns her attention to Monty who comes running towards her with the ball in his mouth. She laughs as she takes the ball and throws it a few times. Monty runs enthusiastically and gets the ball every time and brings it back to Trista.
By an overturned boat, Trista sits down on the sand and leans back on the boat. Monty comes and sits on her lap. She holds him and whispers to him: “I love you so much, my sweet Monty.” Monty says:
“I know, and I love you too. To infinity. There is no limit to my love for you, and my gratitude.
Being with you feels just right. With you, my heart is home.
I love you all so very much. Please send my love to all my friends and the rest of my family. You all brought so much love into my life, and allowed me to share the abundance of love and joy I always had, and still have, in my heart.
Release the guilt that holds you in its grip, and stand proudly in the love as I taught you.
Be yourself in everything you do, and spread love where you can.
Like me, your heart holds an abundance of love and joy, so share it with the world.
Don’t limit your light. Let it shine. I will be watching you proudly, and I will be by your side for your comfort and inspiration.
Let your heart and your soul’s dreams lead you as you go forward.
I will be encouraging you on your path.”
Monty goes down from Trista’a lap and starts walking to the left. Trista follows.
As we walk, we find a photo album filled with photos of Trista and Monty from their life together. They sit down and take time to go through the album, reminiscing and reliving many fond memories.
At the end, Trista takes the album, hugs Monty, and tells him how much she loves him.
We notice it is getting dark. The sun is going down with the most magnificent sunset.
As it gets dark, all the stars are shining, twinkling in the dark blue sky. It is quiet, and we listen to the calming sound of the waves gently touching the shore.
A big white winged horse appears, landing before us. The winged horse greets Monty in a loving, friendly way, and says:
“Are you ready?”
Monty smiles and says: “Yes.”
The winged horse greets Trista and the rest of us and says:
“I will take good care of Monty, and he will visit you often. He will be fine.”
Trista runs to Monty to give him a last kiss, and he licks her cheek, and. says:
“I will be around. Thank you for everything. I am at peace, and I am happy. I had a good life.”
The winged horse bends down so Monty can jump up on his back, and the winged horse and Monty fly off, flying higher up in the beautiful starry night sky. We wave and watch them disappear between the stars.
“How appropriate”, Trista says. “Monty was my little star. His light was so bright and beautiful.”
At that moment, we see a star, bigger than the others, blinking in a distinct way, as if to get our attention. A clear sign from Monty.
With peace in her heart, Trista says thanks and goodbye and walks home. As she goes to sleep that night, a star is seen outside her window, and she falls asleep knowing Monty is near.
I give thanks and end the journey.
Client testimonial
Thank you so much, your gift brought me so much peace. I can’t believe how spot on the message Monty shared with you was. He always had a way of knowing what I needed. And his message is something I needed at this time. It’s interesting that a horse with a wreath was there. I grew up riding horses and I had a horse from my teens until I was thirty. He was my first love.
Thank you again!
With love, Trista
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