[Trust Your Heart – A Sacred Journey with Peanut Doodles the Angel Dog]
One thing that brings much comfort when your beloved pet has passed is receiving from them a personal healing message.
You can both listen to and read Peanut Doodles’ message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM
As I prepare for the Sacred Spirit Journey for Glenda’s angel dog Peanut Doodles, there’s a part of my preparations where I become aware of and listen to all the sounds. At that point I hear some ‘tapping’ sounds; like someone walking on a floor. Paws perhaps?
“Yes, it’s me”, Peanut says as he stands before me. “Greetings to you, I’m grateful you have come to me so I can bring my message of love to Glenda.”
Peanut guides me to follow him, so as he starts moving, I follow. He is moving with intention, so we are very quickly in Glenda’s place.
Peanut makes a woof and Glenda comes running.
“I thought I heard you, my sweet Peanut Doodles. Is that really you?”
“Indeed it is”, Peanut says smiling. “I’ve come to take you on a journey. You need to shift environment in order to shift perspective from separated and hurting to reconnected and at peace.
Your mind keeps you so busy with worries, guilt, and regret that you have lost connection with your heart, which is where you can find me. That’s my place. Your heart’s beautiful space.”
Glenda sits down in a soft chair and holds Peanut close to her heart. In that moment all is well. Her heart is at peace, and Peanut’s unconditional love and gentleness opens her heart, and a beautiful light radiates from the heart opening.
Peanut draws Glenda within the vast heart space.
He says:
“I was not just your companion in life; I am also your guide, teaching you to live from the heart, to trust your heart, and to show you the beauty of your soul.”
Glenda: “You are so wise.”
Peanut smiles and says:
“Yes, I am a wise little one. The wisdom is of the heart, not the mind.
While intellectual knowledge is good and helpful, the wisdom of your heart and soul is everlasting and eternal. It is in your heart you find the answers to your questions.
Listen to your heart and tell me what matters most.”
Glenda says: “Your love, and your presence.”
Peanut says:
“You have my love now and forever. But what if I’m not with you physically, how do you feel my presence?”
Glenda says:
“I listen to my heart. I listen within, and when I do, I know that our love is forever, that you are present, and that our souls are joined forever on our journey through the universe. When I listen to my mind, that’s when I feel pain, guilt and regret.”
“Very good”, Peanut says. “What do you see in your heart when you ask the questions you had for me?”
Glenda says:
“I see in my heart that I did nothing wrong; that I did the best I could. That I want to be able to control things – that I wanted so bad to save you , make you healthy, keep you here with me longer, but that your time to enter the Light had come.
It wasn’t the passing I had expected, but if I allow it to be what it was, then what I feel most is gratitude. Deep, deep gratitude for the years I had with you. I sense your forgiveness when I look at you, and all I can think of is that I love you and that I am blessed to be loved by you.
You’re my precious jewel. The jewel of my heart.
My questions seem to lose their importance.”
Peanut smiles and says softly:
Now you’re in your heart, my beloved!
That beautiful heart I know so well and where my true home is.
Take good care of your heart, for it is beautiful and precious.
The way your heart held me was my favorite part of my life with you.
The way I love you unconditionally, that is the same way you allowed yourself to love me.
You allowed yourself to be vulnerable, to hold the vastness of my spirit’s light. Oh, we were so good for each other. We belonged together.
What was in my past, let it be in the past, for it all led me to you.
Practice each day to ease into the present moment, for that is where the wonder and the magic is. That is where the peace is.
Underneath the chaos and the pain is the peace, the stillness, and the song of the Divine that carries you away on its wings. Beautiful wings of Divine Love that carry you to me. Soul love. The kind of love that lasts an eternity.
And to your question whether I’m at peace and with other dogs, come with me…
They walk further into Glenda’s heart space. It is full of light, an open landscape with big meadows as far as the eye can see, with occasional trees and bushes, blue sky above, birds flying high up in the air, singing, a slight breeze that brings the fragrance of the wildflowers growing in the meadow.
At first we see no one, but as we get up on a small hill, we see a field on the other side with lots of dogs – many playing together, some sitting or resting. There’s joy and peace.
I wonder who oversees this special dog meadow. In that moment we see a bench and go sit on it. When we do, the dogs turn and see Glenda. They recognize her and get excited. Then they all run over to Glenda and greet her happily.
The dogs say:
“Your beautiful heart holds the space and the love for many innocent loving souls. The purity of our souls match the quality of your heart’s light. Thank you for holding the love for us. Keep returning to your heart, keep loving with all your heart and soul. We’re all here for you. We give you strength when you need it. We bring the joy when you’re down, and we stand by you when times are tough.
Just continue to be you. That’s enough for us. Many blessings to you and your family.”
Glenda embraces and thanks as many of them as she can. Her heart almost bursts with the love of and for so many innocent, loving souls. She says: “If this is my mission in life, I’m grateful and honored.”
Glenda bends down and hugs Peanut and says. “Thank you, Peanut Doodles, for your love, your dedication, and for showing me this place. I will never forget you or all the love I encountered here. Is there anything else I need to know before I go home?”
Peanut says:
“Know that I loved you from before we ever met, for our souls were destined to be together – and know that I love you, Allison, and Ozzie with all my heart.
I’ll be around when you need me, and you can also center in your heart and meet me here. Your imagination can help you. Combine it with your intuition and your soul’s inner guidance, and you will find me.
Trust your heart. It will lead you to me. I’ll be eternally yours.”
Glenda embraces Peanut, thanks him, and says goodbye.
Peanut stays in the meadow and Glenda waves to Peanut and all the dogs before leaving.
They are already excited about seeing Glenda again. “Send us a loving thought”, they say. “We can hear you.”
“I will”, Glenda says and leaves for home.
When Glenda arrives home, she embraces her family and says: “With love from Peanut Doodles.”
I give thanks, and end the journey.
“Yes, it’s me”, Peanut says as he stands before me. “Greetings to you, I’m grateful you have come to me so I can bring my message of love to Glenda.”
Peanut guides me to follow him, so as he starts moving, I follow. He is moving with intention, so we are very quickly in Glenda’s place.
Peanut makes a woof and Glenda comes running.
“I thought I heard you, my sweet Peanut Doodles. Is that really you?”
“Indeed it is”, Peanut says smiling. “I’ve come to take you on a journey. You need to shift environment in order to shift perspective from separated and hurting to reconnected and at peace.
Your mind keeps you so busy with worries, guilt, and regret that you have lost connection with your heart, which is where you can find me. That’s my place. Your heart’s beautiful space.”
Glenda sits down in a soft chair and holds Peanut close to her heart. In that moment all is well. Her heart is at peace, and Peanut’s unconditional love and gentleness opens her heart, and a beautiful light radiates from the heart opening.
Peanut draws Glenda within the vast heart space.
He says:
“I was not just your companion in life; I am also your guide, teaching you to live from the heart, to trust your heart, and to show you the beauty of your soul.”
Glenda: “You are so wise.”
Peanut smiles and says:
“Yes, I am a wise little one. The wisdom is of the heart, not the mind.
While intellectual knowledge is good and helpful, the wisdom of your heart and soul is everlasting and eternal. It is in your heart you find the answers to your questions.
Listen to your heart and tell me what matters most.”
Glenda says: “Your love, and your presence.”
Peanut says:
“You have my love now and forever. But what if I’m not with you physically, how do you feel my presence?”
Glenda says:
“I listen to my heart. I listen within, and when I do, I know that our love is forever, that you are present, and that our souls are joined forever on our journey through the universe. When I listen to my mind, that’s when I feel pain, guilt and regret.”
“Very good”, Peanut says. “What do you see in your heart when you ask the questions you had for me?”
Glenda says:
“I see in my heart that I did nothing wrong; that I did the best I could. That I want to be able to control things – that I wanted so bad to save you , make you healthy, keep you here with me longer, but that your time to enter the Light had come.
It wasn’t the passing I had expected, but if I allow it to be what it was, then what I feel most is gratitude. Deep, deep gratitude for the years I had with you. I sense your forgiveness when I look at you, and all I can think of is that I love you and that I am blessed to be loved by you.
You’re my precious jewel. The jewel of my heart.
My questions seem to lose their importance.”
Peanut smiles and says softly:
Now you’re in your heart, my beloved!
That beautiful heart I know so well and where my true home is.
Take good care of your heart, for it is beautiful and precious.
The way your heart held me was my favorite part of my life with you.
The way I love you unconditionally, that is the same way you allowed yourself to love me.

You allowed yourself to be vulnerable, to hold the vastness of my spirit’s light. Oh, we were so good for each other. We belonged together.

What was in my past, let it be in the past, for it all led me to you.
Practice each day to ease into the present moment, for that is where the wonder and the magic is. That is where the peace is.

And to your question whether I’m at peace and with other dogs, come with me…
They walk further into Glenda’s heart space. It is full of light, an open landscape with big meadows as far as the eye can see, with occasional trees and bushes, blue sky above, birds flying high up in the air, singing, a slight breeze that brings the fragrance of the wildflowers growing in the meadow.
At first we see no one, but as we get up on a small hill, we see a field on the other side with lots of dogs – many playing together, some sitting or resting. There’s joy and peace.
I wonder who oversees this special dog meadow. In that moment we see a bench and go sit on it. When we do, the dogs turn and see Glenda. They recognize her and get excited. Then they all run over to Glenda and greet her happily.
The dogs say:
“Your beautiful heart holds the space and the love for many innocent loving souls. The purity of our souls match the quality of your heart’s light. Thank you for holding the love for us. Keep returning to your heart, keep loving with all your heart and soul. We’re all here for you. We give you strength when you need it. We bring the joy when you’re down, and we stand by you when times are tough.
Just continue to be you. That’s enough for us. Many blessings to you and your family.”
Glenda embraces and thanks as many of them as she can. Her heart almost bursts with the love of and for so many innocent, loving souls. She says: “If this is my mission in life, I’m grateful and honored.”
Glenda bends down and hugs Peanut and says. “Thank you, Peanut Doodles, for your love, your dedication, and for showing me this place. I will never forget you or all the love I encountered here. Is there anything else I need to know before I go home?”
Peanut says:
“Know that I loved you from before we ever met, for our souls were destined to be together – and know that I love you, Allison, and Ozzie with all my heart.
I’ll be around when you need me, and you can also center in your heart and meet me here. Your imagination can help you. Combine it with your intuition and your soul’s inner guidance, and you will find me.
Trust your heart. It will lead you to me. I’ll be eternally yours.”
Glenda embraces Peanut, thanks him, and says goodbye.
Peanut stays in the meadow and Glenda waves to Peanut and all the dogs before leaving.
They are already excited about seeing Glenda again. “Send us a loving thought”, they say. “We can hear you.”
“I will”, Glenda says and leaves for home.
When Glenda arrives home, she embraces her family and says: “With love from Peanut Doodles.”
I give thanks, and end the journey.
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