[“When you see signs from us, trust your heart.” ~Angel dogs, Iggy and Winnie] I connected with Tamara’s beloved angel dog Iggy in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you. I did this Journey on Saturday, March 23, 2024.
You can both read and listen to Iggy’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
As I begin preparations for the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Tamara’s angel dog Iggy, I am centered in my heart, and soon feel guided to go out into the spirit landscape I have been to in many previous journeys: a beautiful beach by the big ocean. Many of my guides are present.
I notice that an angel is here, and the angel goes to Iggy, who is standing next to me. The angel places a flower wreath on Iggy’s head; a wreath made of blue forget-me-nots, but with one pink forget-me-not among them. Tamara, who is also here, gets a wreath with forget-me-nots, mostly pink with some blue mingled in. Tamara’s angel dog Winnie comes too, and she gets a pink wreath with forget-me-nots. They all sit together, as the day dawns. A beautiful family.
“In our hearts, we were never apart,” says Iggy, “Thank you for coming to see me.”
The fact that I have barely started on the journey and all of them are already with me, speaks to the close bond they all have.
Tamara greets Winnie and Iggy warmly and picks Iggy up in her arms, and looks into his eyes, smiling.
“My precious Iggy,” Tamara says, “Thank you for your love, your companionship, and for all the good times we had. Thank you for always being there with and for me.”

“When I look into your heart, I see love. When I look into your soul, I see us traveling along our soul’s path, peacefully, joyfully, through eternity. Never apart.
Hearts that beat in sync,
souls that are family,
shared experiences, adventures,
supporting one another,
loyal to each other,
in life and in death.
While my physical body is gone, my soul is eternal, and so is yours. We can meet in the place beyond time and space, on the path that is ours, learning to love, sharing the love, sharing our light with the world.
Because of our love, the world is a better place, a kinder place.
Because of our love, joy lives, peace reigns in hearts that need it, and unbreakable bonds are formed between others that have met us and witnessed our bond of love.
Thank you, sweet friend, fellow soul traveler, and dear companion. My heart is full and overflowing with gratitude, with love, with joy, with peace. I will love you always.”
Tamara holds Iggy close and kisses him. After a while, she looks up and around the place. The sun is shining from a blue sky, light is shimmering on the water.
Tamara puts Iggy down on the beach, and he goes to Winnie and and greets her.
Iggy and Winnie stand side by side facing Tamara, looking at her with a smile on their faces. They look happy and at peace.
“We are,” Winnie says, “We are together in the Light. All is well. We hold the love for you. We hold the peace for you, and we bring your our joy.”
I see that Iggy is carrying his yellow ball. [A note: Iggy received the yellow ball from Winnie in the earlier journey I did for Winnie after she had passed]. Iggy brings the yellow ball to Tamara, smiles and says:
“Let’s play. Throw the ball.”
Tamara smiles, takes the ball and throws it along the beach. Both Iggy and Winnie run after it.
Winnie wins this time and brings the ball back to Tamara. They continue for a while, and they take turns winning.
Afterwards, they sit together facing the sea, looking at the shimmering water, the vast blue sky, and into the horizon and beyond.

A special beam of Divine light shines on Iggy, and he looks beautiful. Iggy says to Tamara:
“In the light, you will find me as your happy puppy, as your strong loyal companion. And, as an elder full of wisdom and memories of a happy, long life. Keep it all in your heart. Cherish the memories of us, and know in your heart and soul that we will meet again.
Winnie and I are okay. We will visit you. We will watch over you. We will comfort you when you are sad, and laugh with you when you are happy. We will be with you in the still of night, when the veil between the worlds is thin and you can feel us near.
When you feel us near, we are.
When you see signs from us, trust your heart.
When you go for a walk, invite us along, and we will explore with you, and keep you company.
Thank you for your infinite, caring love.
Thank you for seeing our hearts and souls.
Thank you for being part of our life.
You mean the world to us. A heart like yours is the greatest treasure. Take care of it and of yourself, and walk forward with faith, and with joy, knowing in your heart we are near. We will love you till the end of time.”
Iggy and Winnie stand close together and say a warm farewell to Tamara. Then they walk along the Divine ray of light into a great opening in the distance, where we get a glimpse of angels receiving them.
Tamara touches her heart with her hands and whispers, “Thank you, sweet friends. Thank you, Iggy. Thank you, Winnie.”

As Tamara turns to leave for home, she notices that the angel is next to her, imbuing this entire area with a feeling of peace and grace.
“May I walk you home?” the angel asks.
Tamara says, “Oh, yes. Thank you.”
With peace in her heart, and joyful memories filling her soul, Tamara walks home accompanied by the angel.
At home, Tamara puts the wreath she received during the meeting in a prominent place in the window, where the flowers look beautiful. She feels her loved ones are close, and gratitude in her heart.
Tamara says to herself, “I am fortunate and blessed to have had such beautiful, divine souls in my life. They will always be part of me.”
I say goodbye and end the journey.
Tamara’s words:
The day I brought him Iggy home from the hospital with pancreatitis, while pulling into my driveway, there sat a perfect yellow ball. In angel Winnie’s message, you described her giving Iggy a yellow ball, a symbol of her light, in his time of sadness or darkness. Tears of amazement and comfort came over me. I will forever treasure that moment. You have no idea how special and how much this means to me. I feel though he is gone, he is right by my side… if you know what I mean. XOXO. ~ Tamara
You may also be interested in the Journey I did for Tamara’s angel dog Winnie:
A bond created in heaven: Comfort after pet loss with angel dog Winnie