[When your heart is broken into a thousand pieces – heart advice from angel dog Wilbur]
I did this Sacred Spirit Journey for Naomi and her angel dog Wilbur on January 8, 2023.
I did this Sacred Spirit Journey for Naomi and her angel dog Wilbur on January 8, 2023.
You can both listen to and read Wilbur’s message below.
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Before I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey for Wilbur, but while I prepare and set my intention, I get a feeling of and ‘see’ Wilbur everywhere. Everywhere I turn my head, I seem to see him. I feel that there is not any one place or way to reach or connect with him, but he is available everywhere. He likes to be part of what’s going on. He likes to spend time with and be near his loved ones.
“Very true,” I hear Wilbur say.
I become fully present here where I am, take a deep breath in and relax into peace and presence on the exhalation. Being here now. Easing into the present moment. Allowing everything to be exactly as it is.
I experience light all around me.
“That is me bringing you light”, Wilbur says. Just like I used to bring light and joy to the lives of my family.
It’s a simple mission, but it is mine. And I am proud of it. I loved to brighten their day. That brought me joy.
Now I bring them joy from beyond and send them blessings from beyond to let them know that I am right here, that I am close, and that I am okay.
Not all passings are peaceful. That’s just how life is sometimes. Please don’t blame yourself.”
As he says that last phrase, we are instantly by Naomi. I can’t see where we are, but I sense them both close and together.
Wilbur says to Naomi:
“You cannot see me right now, but if you focus on your hand, you will be able to feel me.
Imagine how it felt when you touched me. That can be a way to connect with me now. You see, there are many ways to connect with us who are in the Light. Touch is one, and it is powerful. As you feel or sense me, don’t let your mind try to deny what you feel in your heart is right.
Listen to your heart. That is our strongest bond – the heart bond.
Although you feel your heart is broken into a thousand pieces now, allow yourself to center in your heart anyway. Do it with gratitude for the life we shared, the love that was ours, and feel how in the midst of the pain, the love and our bond emerges as stronger than anything.
My undying love for you all is ever present in your lives, as is my deep gratitude for your loving care, and for the many wonderful memories we created together.
Nothing or no one can take that away from you.
Focus not on what could have been, but instead on celebrating our life together.
Right now it is especially about finding a way to allow the grief and the gratitude to go hand in hand.
Allow the grief, but also allow the joy.
You can hold them both. When you do, you will see that I am walking beside you, lighting up your path, comforting your heart, and bringing my joy as I used to.
Remember that I love you all so much. I always did, and I always will.
As a family, get together and share happy and fond memories, each one sharing a memory of time spent with me. As you do, I will be near, reliving each moment shared with gratitude in my heart.”
Naomi asks, “How is it like where you are?”
Wilbur says, “Come, follow me.” Wilbur makes a big leap, Naomi following him.
It is like they jump through an opening or portal. My spirit guide and I follow as well.
We are in an open landscape.
I am surprised to see an elderly woman waiting for Wilbur, greeting him warmly as he goes to her. They clearly know each other.
“Of course we do”, the woman says.
There’s a little house, and she sits on a chair by a little table in front of the house.
Wilbur jumps up on a chair nearby, settles down, and looks at the woman with love, and then looks at the landscape. He is at peace.
Naomi is offered a chair, and the elderly woman brings her something drink, tea perhaps, and a piece of cake. Naomi smiles.
Wilbur jumps up on Naomi’s lap, and she holds him tight.
Naomi says: “I am so glad you’re okay and safe. And you’re healthy and happy too. I feel that I can let my heart be at peace although the pain of what happened hasn’t loosened its grip.”
Naomi repeats the 4 phrases from the Hawaiian mantra:
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you.
After repeating for a while, Naomi’s emotions are less intense, and she is more at peace.
Wilbur looks up at Naomi and says:
“You’ll be okay. Give it time. You now know you don’t have to worry about me, so you can more easily allow yourself to ease into the present moment and not just experience pain there, but also peace and joy – and light. Beautiful light that I send you from beyond.
The Divine has your back, and so do I.
Go back now with peace and tell the others that I send all my love. You will all forever have a special place in my heart.”
Naomi thanks Wilbur and kisses him on his head. He jumps down, and she gets up.
The elderly woman goes inside and returns with a special decorated cookie jar, She says, “Bring this home with you with love from me. Come visit anytime you want. We’ll be around.”
They say a warm goodbye and we start going back the same way we arrived.
By a little stream, a little rabbit hops across a little wooden bridge. It stops half way across, but as he continues, he disappears through the portal. We now know the way and follow rabbit.
We are back, and Naomi is holding her cookie jar. I say goodbye to Naomi, and Rabbit joins her for the trip home. My spirit guide and I wave goodbye.
I give thanks and end the journey.
A note: At the end of the journey, when we arrived at the little stream, two horses came walking by the window, in ordinary reality, where I was sitting doing the journey. I also got an image of the Radiant Rider-Waite card: Knight of Cups where a knight on a white horse is standing before a little stream. If you feel inspired, you can search for and see the card on-line.
“Very true,” I hear Wilbur say.
I become fully present here where I am, take a deep breath in and relax into peace and presence on the exhalation. Being here now. Easing into the present moment. Allowing everything to be exactly as it is.
I experience light all around me.
“That is me bringing you light”, Wilbur says. Just like I used to bring light and joy to the lives of my family.
It’s a simple mission, but it is mine. And I am proud of it. I loved to brighten their day. That brought me joy.
Now I bring them joy from beyond and send them blessings from beyond to let them know that I am right here, that I am close, and that I am okay.
Not all passings are peaceful. That’s just how life is sometimes. Please don’t blame yourself.”
As he says that last phrase, we are instantly by Naomi. I can’t see where we are, but I sense them both close and together.
Wilbur says to Naomi:
“You cannot see me right now, but if you focus on your hand, you will be able to feel me.
Imagine how it felt when you touched me. That can be a way to connect with me now. You see, there are many ways to connect with us who are in the Light. Touch is one, and it is powerful. As you feel or sense me, don’t let your mind try to deny what you feel in your heart is right.
Listen to your heart. That is our strongest bond – the heart bond.
Although you feel your heart is broken into a thousand pieces now, allow yourself to center in your heart anyway. Do it with gratitude for the life we shared, the love that was ours, and feel how in the midst of the pain, the love and our bond emerges as stronger than anything.
My undying love for you all is ever present in your lives, as is my deep gratitude for your loving care, and for the many wonderful memories we created together.
Nothing or no one can take that away from you.
Focus not on what could have been, but instead on celebrating our life together.
Right now it is especially about finding a way to allow the grief and the gratitude to go hand in hand.
Allow the grief, but also allow the joy.
You can hold them both. When you do, you will see that I am walking beside you, lighting up your path, comforting your heart, and bringing my joy as I used to.
Remember that I love you all so much. I always did, and I always will.
As a family, get together and share happy and fond memories, each one sharing a memory of time spent with me. As you do, I will be near, reliving each moment shared with gratitude in my heart.”
Naomi asks, “How is it like where you are?”
Wilbur says, “Come, follow me.” Wilbur makes a big leap, Naomi following him.
It is like they jump through an opening or portal. My spirit guide and I follow as well.
We are in an open landscape.
I am surprised to see an elderly woman waiting for Wilbur, greeting him warmly as he goes to her. They clearly know each other.
“Of course we do”, the woman says.
There’s a little house, and she sits on a chair by a little table in front of the house.
Wilbur jumps up on a chair nearby, settles down, and looks at the woman with love, and then looks at the landscape. He is at peace.
Naomi is offered a chair, and the elderly woman brings her something drink, tea perhaps, and a piece of cake. Naomi smiles.
Wilbur jumps up on Naomi’s lap, and she holds him tight.
Naomi says: “I am so glad you’re okay and safe. And you’re healthy and happy too. I feel that I can let my heart be at peace although the pain of what happened hasn’t loosened its grip.”
Naomi repeats the 4 phrases from the Hawaiian mantra:
I’m sorry
Please forgive me
I love you
Thank you.
After repeating for a while, Naomi’s emotions are less intense, and she is more at peace.
Wilbur looks up at Naomi and says:
“You’ll be okay. Give it time. You now know you don’t have to worry about me, so you can more easily allow yourself to ease into the present moment and not just experience pain there, but also peace and joy – and light. Beautiful light that I send you from beyond.
The Divine has your back, and so do I.
Go back now with peace and tell the others that I send all my love. You will all forever have a special place in my heart.”
Naomi thanks Wilbur and kisses him on his head. He jumps down, and she gets up.
The elderly woman goes inside and returns with a special decorated cookie jar, She says, “Bring this home with you with love from me. Come visit anytime you want. We’ll be around.”
They say a warm goodbye and we start going back the same way we arrived.
By a little stream, a little rabbit hops across a little wooden bridge. It stops half way across, but as he continues, he disappears through the portal. We now know the way and follow rabbit.
We are back, and Naomi is holding her cookie jar. I say goodbye to Naomi, and Rabbit joins her for the trip home. My spirit guide and I wave goodbye.
I give thanks and end the journey.
A note: At the end of the journey, when we arrived at the little stream, two horses came walking by the window, in ordinary reality, where I was sitting doing the journey. I also got an image of the Radiant Rider-Waite card: Knight of Cups where a knight on a white horse is standing before a little stream. If you feel inspired, you can search for and see the card on-line.