[When Your Pet is Your Soul’s Companion – Meet Angel Dog Sanaya] I connected with Nicholette’s beloved angel dog Sanaya in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you. I did this Journey on Saturday, April 13, 2024.
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Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Nicolette’s angel dog Sanaya, I center in my heart with gratitude. There is a feeling of peace, presence, and light, but there is also a feeling of waiting.
“Yes, it’s me waiting for you.” It is Sanaya speaking.
As she speaks, I am drawn to my feet. I find myself in a nature landscape, and my bare feet are touching the Earth. Sanaya is standing front of me, looking at me. She seems eager to get going, so I nod and say, “You just lead the way.”
Apparently that was her signal to take off. She turns and starts running on the path or trail before us. Slowly at first. After a bit, she turns and checks on me. For some reason it is easy for me to keep up with her.
Sanaya says:
“It is when you are connected with me. Stay connected as we continue.”
Sanaya starts running faster and through a forest, and I find myself speeding up when she does. It is like there is some kind of invisible bond or connection between us. I simply let go and focus on Sanaya.
The landscape passes quickly. Sanaya is clearly going somewhere special and does not waste any time.
I notice that day turns into night.
Sanaya runs more slowly, and I see the night sky more clearly now as we come out of the forest into an open landscape. The vast sky above is breathtaking. There are millions of stars shining down upon us.
On the ground before us, a small fire is lit. Sanaya goes and sits by the fire. So do my spirit guide and I.
An elderly woman comes and sits by Sanaya, and they greet each other. Clearly, they know each other. The woman greets us and says:
“I am Grandmother. Sanaya told me you were coming. Welcome. How do you like it here?”
“Beautiful beyond words,” I say.
Grandmother nods.
We sit a little in stillness and look into the fire. It is like a meditation, easing us into peace; a deep peace and presence.
When I am in a state of pure presence and openness, Sanaya comes over, stands close and says, “You may touch me.”
I say, “Thank you,” and slowly reach out my hand and touch her. So soft, so powerful, and there is much peace and compassion coming from her. I feel honored.
It is interesting how it seems that sometimes Sanaya is a bit elusive, as if she is here, and yet, she is much more vast than this; that who or what she truly is, is so much more. Her spirit, energy etcetera. comes through this form, not just from it.
“Right,” says Sanaya. “When you focus beyond me, you will find me.”
“I know,” I exclaim, “It makes so much sense.”
I look up at the sky, and instead of focusing on just a few stars, I open or expand my gaze, taking it all in. There is a clear feeling that we are so much more than our bodies, a feeling of the Divine.
The presence of the Divine is suddenly felt, not with bright light, but as if the hand of the Divine reaches in and touches my heart with gentleness, compassion and love, conveying to me:
“I am here. Fear not. You are always protected, guided, and supported.”
As I then look at Sanaya, she has a beautiful radiance about her.
“We are ready,” the elderly woman says and takes a drum and starts drumming. Then after a short while, we see Nicholette arriving. She comes walking from behind some bushes. She greets us warmly and heads straight to Sanaya whom she hugs and kisses. It is a warm reunion.
“You’re looking good,” Nicholette says to Sanaya.
“I am doing well. Very well. I am connected with many good friends here – and, most importantly – I have maintained the connection that exists between your heart and mine. That bond is unbreakable. It is a bond that connects our souls and that goes way back, lifetime after lifetime. Wherever we are, we will find each other. Our souls recognize each other.
As I said before: See beyond, and you will truly see me.”
Then Sanaya curls up next to Nicholette who lies down – and side by side, they lie, looking up in the night sky. Looking at the stars and beyond. They doze off into a deep state of peace and rest. A place and state of oneness.
They awaken as the sun is about to rise. The first light of the new day shines on the land and on all of us. We feel we are being blessed.
The birds begin to sing. We go to a stream nearby and wash our face and hands, and drink some water.
Sanaya says it is time to move on, so we all thank Grandmother for her kindness. She smiles and says, “You’re always welcome,” and gives a special greeting to Nicholette.
The landscape is now a kind of half desert-like landscape. I keep feeling there are animals waiting to connect with Nicholette. They are in the background, but I get images of them at times.
“Say our names,” I hear them say.
I have several times sensed and got a glimpse of Cougar, and now I get a glimpse of Raven too, both very wise and powerful animals, each in their own way.
I hear Nicholette say their names.
We then see in the distance the silhouette of a ougar. I have no fear, but a feeling of awe seeing it. I look at Sanaya, as she remains calm and radiant.
Raven comes flying, close to Nicholette who stretches out a hand. Raven lands on her hand, looks at her and says:
Nicholette smiles and laughs, saying “Hello” back. It is as if she is meeting an old friend. Someone who brings joy.
Raven settles on Nicholette’s shoulder and stays there as we walk on.

By some cliffs, cougar comes out to us, and says:
“Fear not, for I come in peace. I come with guidance at this time in your life. I can help you be a leader of your own life, take charge as you walk your unique path.
Remember, your life path is unique to you. Listen to others that are wise, but in the end, always trust your heart and soul’s wisdom.
Sanaya is your heart’s mate; her and you are as one. No one can take away the unique bond you have. Cherish it and know she will be by your side always. She is a highly evolved soul.
Just like there is the sun and the moon, me and Sanaya complement each other when it comes to being part of your life. We are all here to assist and guide you. We are all here if you need us.
Walk in power.”
Nicholette goes and looks closely at Cougar, and says:
“When I look at you, I see what I am to become. I see the powerful lessons you carry. Thank you for your wise, considerate, and loving ways.”
Raven touches her ear with his beak and Nicholette laughs and says, “Yes, I appreciate you too. You make my heart smile.”
Nicholette says, “What about you, Sanaya? I feel we are in a transitional landscape. Where is yours? Where are we going?”
Sanaya smiles and says:
“Follow me.”
Sanaya starts running again, and we follow. The trick is to not ‘try’, but simply to surrender and let Sanaya lead. The ‘following’ happens by itself. Fascinating!
Little by little we see more trees, and we get to what looks like an old growth forest. It is so beautiful!
As soon as we enter the forest, a group of wolves come and greet us, especially Sanaya and Nicholette. The wolves adopt them into their clan right away. It is like getting an expanded family.
We come to a stream, and as we stop and look around, we see a big brown bear on the other side, looking at us. The bear is nods his head and then slowly moves away.
Sanaya says to Nicholette, as she points to a nearby tree:
“Go and look that at that tree.”
Nicholette goes to the tree and and sees a necklace with a bear figure on it, carved out of stone. She holds it to her heart and then gives thanks to Sanaya, Bear and the forest.

We sit in a little clearing, and Sanaya says to Nicholette:
“We have been on this journey to help you heal and to empower you as you move forward with your new life. Don’t see it as a life without me, without us. No, everything we have together is still part of you, and will be forever. I too, will walk with you. Whether you are in the area where we lived, you and I, or you travel to another part of the world, I am by your side and in your heart. Just think of me or call, and I will be there.
When I think back on our life, I do so with gratitude. We were good together. Our souls were walking hand in hand. I know you understand it when I say that.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to me. You can connect with me.
Your heart speaks to you. Listen when it does.
Thank you for everything, my sweet friend, my sister, my soul’s companion. I love you from the bottom of my heart. We will meet again.
Walk in peace,
Walk in strength,
Walk with love every step you take.”

It is time to say goodbye, and Sanaya and Nicholette sit close for a while, and then say goodbye. Sanaya goes with the wolves. She is welcomed and respected.
“I will be fine,” Sanaya says smiling.
We give thanks and say goodbye.
Raven says to Nicholette, “I will guide you home”
Nicholette asks, “What about cougar?”
Raven says, “Cougar is in the background for now. He will come when and if you call him. I am here with you, as you see. I am going with you, if it is okay with you.”
“Sure,” Nicholette smiles.
Together they go home.
I give thanks and end the journey.

❤️ Receive a personal message from your pet
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal. From your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. Learn more.Tribute to Angel Dog Sanaya