Widening the Circle of Compassion – Spider Magic

Spider Magic - Animals wisdom

In our “Widening-The-Circle-Of-Compassion” series we deal with animals that we don’t usually consider pets. They can be wild animals (like fox in the first article in this series; or they can be animals that most of us have a difficult time extending our compassion to, such as spider. But we are all related, as you will hear spider say later, and all have their unique qualities and lessons which we can learn.

Today’s article about spider was inspired by a comment from a woman sharing her experiences with a spider. As I did a shamanic journey to connect with spider, I received interesting and helpful advice as to how spider can be a teacher on our path. The journey follows below:

I prepare for and begin the journey. I am in a place in nature. Grass, trees, bushes. Between some bushes a big spider web is glistening in the morning sun. It has been raining, so there are drops on the web, and the drops and the web are shining, sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow. Beautiful and magical. The spider enters the middle of the web.

“Thank you,” spider says. “People fear us because we are creatures of death and magic. Actually life and death, because without one there would not be the other. Truly, there is only life, which is a never-ending cycle of life and death. Endless transformations. Spider weaves the web of life, teaching you about connectedness. As you embrace spider’s teachings, you face and transcend your learned fears and enter the magical realm that is beyond your fear. The realm where all is possible, all is connected and where we are each others teachers. Spider also serves as a guardian, as you have seen in your journeys. Look at your own life situation to see what spider has come to teach you.”

And spider continues:

“Most people, when they see me – a spider – they see a thing, a vermin, something to get rid of. But spiders are beneficial, helping you by getting rid of other insects in your home that come in larger numbers than spider and who do more harm than spider. We spiders are good guys, working with you to clear out what needs to be cleared out.”

M: “What are your specific teachings for today?”

Spider:Gathering The Light - Spider totem

1)  “Where do you have an irrational fear (like of spiders)? Look at it and dare face that fear – see it for what it is: irrational. You will come out on the other side more free, in charge and at peace.”

2)  “Contemplate the connectedness of all things, of all beings. We all have our unique qualities; we are all each others teachers.”

3)  “Learn to see the magic in life. It is up to you. You can choose to see fear, or you can choose to see magic. Next time you see a spider web shining with all its colors in the sun – catch yourself; don’t automatically destroy it or go into fear; no, stop a moment and take in the amazing workmanship and beauty of the web. You choose how you experience the world.”

M: “Thank you so much, spider. Anything else?”

Spider: “Sure, but not today. I’ll see you another day.”

I end the journey.

Which of spider’s teachings above can you most relate to or is most relevant to your life situation? Please share your thoughts in the comments sections below.

If you are interested in reading about our pets as teachers and how they can help you cope with the loss of your animal companion, see my book “Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping & Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides“, where you can read messages of love and peace from among others my angel cat Kia.

In the Widening The Circle Of Compassion series:
1) A Meeting With Fox
2) Spider Magic
3) A Meeting With Deer
4) Hedgehog Wisdom


  1. Gabrielle Smith says

    I was lucky enough not long ago to have a beautiful Orb spider make his home on my balcony.At sunset, his incredible web would shine with pastel colours from the sun reflecting on it.One night my brother came to visit and I told him excitedly about my little friend on the balcony.He wanted to see him, so as there was no exterior light, we shone a torch on the amazing orbed web so my brother could view it. The next morning I went onto the balcony and was stunned to find that both my friend and his incredible web were completely gone.After some quick research on the internet I discovered that these creatures simply “pack up” their web and take it with them when for whatever reason they’re ready to relocate. It was then clear to me that by shining a torch on him in his web that he had perceived this as danger and decided to leave quickly. So strange as it may sound,I wrote to him, telling him how beautiful he was, how much I had enjoyed having him on my balcony and how sorry I was for scaring him away by shining a torch on him. I hadn’t thought too much about it but after a few days went onto the balcony again and was overjoyed to find 2 Orb spiders and their exquisite webs hanging side by side near to where my original friend had made his home ! It was as though somehow he had “read” my letter and returned bringing a friend with him ! The 2 beautiful spiders and their webs remained there for months, bringing pleasure to everyone who saw them, until a wild hail storm one day caused both the webs to be smashed down and I never saw them again after that but I felt privileged to have been able to be host to these wonderful creatures for a period of time.

  2. Thank you for this insight from Spider. I had a paralyzing fear of spiders for many years. After studying animal communication and connecting in with spider, I came to a better understanding of how vulnerable and patient they are. Although I still don’t want them crawling on me, I have an appreciation for them now. I have recently been very drawn to spiders and have spent some time just watching them. The messages I have received from Spider have been to notice what I am creating in my life. Very helpful medicine as I embark on a new and challenging path in my journey.

  3. Inga Tomasino says

    Well, I know that everything is here to teach us, but I am perplexed about this “Spider” message that I’ve recently experienced, perhaps you could add some light onto this. You see I have recently been bit by spider 6 times in one month, with one of the bites sending me to the hospital emergency and costing me $4,000, and no insurance. All the bites occurred on the left side of my body, which I know is the feminine side. I’ve asked for answers to what happened…perhaps to take better care of myself? Any thoughts you might have would be much appreciated. I’m listening.
    Thank you and Reiki Hugs~

    • Thank you for your comment, Inga. It is certainly extreme to be bitten by spider 6 times in one month! I would start with the purely practical by examining the circumstances surrounding the times you were bitten; like where you were, what you were doing, etc. What steps you can take to avoid getting bitten without harming the spiders? I suppose Awareness would be key here, like spider says in the message below. Spider was pretty bold/straight-forward in parts of her message. Not all animals speak that way, so I wonder what your thoughts are; Are you the type who “says it like it is” – or could that something you need to work on embracing in your life? Much of the information I receive, comes directly through connecting with animals using shamanic journeying. That works best for me, since animals are the best experts on themselves. Here is what happened when I connected with Spider:

      I prepare for connecting with spider and find myself in a forest. I’m barefoot and feel a tapping on my foot. It’s a big spider tapping on my foot with a leg to get my attention. Funny, I’m not scared. I sit down, look around, notice my spirit helper next to me. We smile to each other. We greet spider.

      Spider says: “I have been trying to get her attention for a long time. I represent something that scares her just like the thought of her own power scares her. Embrace the gentleness along with the fierceness. Wake up to who you truly are. The first step is to begin to pay attention; to become aware. Practice awareness in your daily life (If you had been aware, I wouldn’t have had to bite you to get your attention.) And as you step into your true self, embrace all aspects of who you are. Awareness is the key for now.”

      M: “Thanks Spider. She says you bit her on her left side. Does it mean that she needs to embrace her femininity or take better care of herself?”

      S: “That is part of it. But left is also receiving. She also needs to practice allowing herself to receive – to receive the gifts and the teachings of the universe. Move from mainly doing to being – and from the “being” a more aligned “doing” will take place. Move in alignment with the universe.”

      M: “Anything else we should know now?”

      S: “Just a thank you from me to her for acknowledging me and my message. I’m not always an easy teacher, but she can learn a lot from me – and I love to have a chance to give – to pass on my teaching. Live well and aware.”

      Spider then runs off hiding behind some leaves. I thank Spider and my helper.

  4. Angela Barclay says

    The animal messages you share are fanciful, healing and enlightening, Marianne. I also appreciate that you share the mechanics and language of the your Shamanic journeys. This gives me the confidence to continue exploring this magical world.

  5. Kathleen says

    thank you for sharing. i have found several spiders in my master bathroom, let them stay for awhile and then i take outside when there are so many. had a beautiful web over my bed and left it there for awhile. a concern is we have black and brown widow spiders here and ex found several on back porch. friend had his mastif die due to black widow spider bite and don’t want that to happen to my cat. i used to be so scared of spiders due to my bad eyesight.


  1. […] this precious planet Earth. In the first article I shared a meeting with fox, in article number 2, spider shared an inspiring message, and in this 3rd part of the “Widening The Circle Of […]

  2. […] To read part 2 in the Widening-The-Circle-Of-Compassion Series click here: Spider Magic. […]

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