[‘You truly saw my soul’ ~ angel cat, Kitty] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Jessa and her angel cat Kitty on August 4, 2023.
You can both listen to and read Kitty’s message below.
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As I go within to prepare to connect with Jessa’s angel cat Kitty, I see my beloved angel cat Kia sitting next to me on my right side, looking at Kitty who is before us. Kia turns to look at me and smiles reassuringly to me, saying:
“I’ve got this.”
This touches me deeply, for I know Kitty and Kia understand each other. They both encountered unexpected issues at the vet on their last day, and they are obviously both very important teachers for their respective humans.
I feel immense respect for Kitty. As I look at her with much love, Kitty comes over to me, lets me touch her and says:
“Thank you for coming. I’m okay. I’m at peace, especially because I have a chance to send a message to Jessa and Jeff.”
We sit in peace for a little while. I notice the surroundings. It is nighttime, and we are by the sea. The gentle sound of the waves is calming, and the night sky is clear and very dark blue with millions of stars. The moon is there too, shining its soft light on all.
I then see a white owl come flying and sit nearby. There seems to be a connection between Kitty and the owl.
Then the goddess Athena comes as well. The owl flies up on her shoulder.
We all sit on the beach in the moonlight; it looks and feels magical when it shines on the water.
Jessa arrives. She sees Kitty right away and goes and sits next to her. Their close connection is obvious and there is a loving trust between them.
The owl jumps down from Athena’s shoulder and comes running over to Jessa. This puts a smile on my face. The owl is beautiful.
“Recognize me?” Owl asks Jessa.
Jessa says, “Yes, my soul recognizes you, and the inspiration to look fearlessly within that you bring. Great wisdom you share too with those who maintain integrity. I am honored you showed up here.”
Owl says:
“I’m here for you both [Jessa and Kitty], for you both have the inner strength that can wield my wisdom wisely. Always come from the heart but bring along the deep wisdom from beyond and the strong fighting spirit. Let nothing take you off the path that is uniquely yours. Kitty here is an important teacher for you as well as a heart companion and guide. Learn from her.”
Kitty goes up on Jessa’s lap, and as Jessa holds Kitty, she can feel the love, the softness, and also the strength and power that Kitty holds for her. Kitty says:
“Thank you, my dearest one. Thank you to you both – you and Jeff – for everything you have been and done for me For allowing me to live my life the way I needed to, for respecting me, as I respect you. I am deeply grateful, and I took nothing for granted. You truly saw my soul and understood me; for you knew how I felt – and feel. And since we are kin, you feel that way too.
You showed great courage on my last day, and I applaud you for that.
As I am your teacher, use owl’s and Athena’s guidance and wisdom too, to help you look within and see what learning issues you can take from this experience.
Jeff said some wise words – and I did feel you. I knew you were around, and that was comforting.
What is THE one thing that a fierce warrior would do if put in the same situation again?”
Jessa suddenly exclaims: “We shouldn’t have been separated to begin with at the vet.”
Kitty says:
“Exactly. Of course, each situation is different, so you cannot always plan, and often things don’t go as expected. That’s when listening within for the best response is helpful. When you listen within, you can act with integrity.
We are strong; you and I, and we understand each other. We came into each others’ life for a reason, and my soul rejoices in finding my soul sister as Kia had found hers.
Relax and be at peace. Acknowledge that you did very well. I have no complaints.
Life on Earth is a place to experience and share love, but it is also a place to grow.
We’re good together, for we respect each other and allow the other to live on their terms, while maintaining a deep soul-heart connection.
The connection will never be lost. Keep returning to your heart and feel me there. Whenever you think of me, I am right next to you with all my love and gratitude. I may leave at times, but I always come back, for my heart is yours.
As you go home, go with trust in your heart that I am fine and we are good. More than good, and my spirit is free. As you move forward, I may reach out at times. Simply listen within or connect with that inner knowing or feeling that tells you it’s me.
If you feel inspired, connect and learn from your other guides, Athena and Owl.
This was a magical nighttime encounter to get you in touch with your inner knowing and our spirit bond.
Use also the daytime to reach out to me and feel what that is like. That is about living freely with presence and joy. It’s fine to be ready to stand tall, and fight – but dont forget to love. To open and show your beautiful heart to those you trust and respect, and who respect you. It’s time for you to go home now. I’ll go with my friends for now, but we will see each other later.”
Kitty stretches up and rubs her face on Jessa’s, and says, “I love you so much, both of you.”
Owl comes and offers Jessa one of her feathers. Jessa thanks Owl, says goodbye to them all and leaves for home. I say thanks and goodbye and end the journey.
“I’ve got this.”
This touches me deeply, for I know Kitty and Kia understand each other. They both encountered unexpected issues at the vet on their last day, and they are obviously both very important teachers for their respective humans.
I feel immense respect for Kitty. As I look at her with much love, Kitty comes over to me, lets me touch her and says:
“Thank you for coming. I’m okay. I’m at peace, especially because I have a chance to send a message to Jessa and Jeff.”
We sit in peace for a little while. I notice the surroundings. It is nighttime, and we are by the sea. The gentle sound of the waves is calming, and the night sky is clear and very dark blue with millions of stars. The moon is there too, shining its soft light on all.
I then see a white owl come flying and sit nearby. There seems to be a connection between Kitty and the owl.
Then the goddess Athena comes as well. The owl flies up on her shoulder.
We all sit on the beach in the moonlight; it looks and feels magical when it shines on the water.
Jessa arrives. She sees Kitty right away and goes and sits next to her. Their close connection is obvious and there is a loving trust between them.
The owl jumps down from Athena’s shoulder and comes running over to Jessa. This puts a smile on my face. The owl is beautiful.
“Recognize me?” Owl asks Jessa.
Jessa says, “Yes, my soul recognizes you, and the inspiration to look fearlessly within that you bring. Great wisdom you share too with those who maintain integrity. I am honored you showed up here.”
Owl says:
“I’m here for you both [Jessa and Kitty], for you both have the inner strength that can wield my wisdom wisely. Always come from the heart but bring along the deep wisdom from beyond and the strong fighting spirit. Let nothing take you off the path that is uniquely yours. Kitty here is an important teacher for you as well as a heart companion and guide. Learn from her.”
Kitty goes up on Jessa’s lap, and as Jessa holds Kitty, she can feel the love, the softness, and also the strength and power that Kitty holds for her. Kitty says:
“Thank you, my dearest one. Thank you to you both – you and Jeff – for everything you have been and done for me For allowing me to live my life the way I needed to, for respecting me, as I respect you. I am deeply grateful, and I took nothing for granted. You truly saw my soul and understood me; for you knew how I felt – and feel. And since we are kin, you feel that way too.
You showed great courage on my last day, and I applaud you for that.
As I am your teacher, use owl’s and Athena’s guidance and wisdom too, to help you look within and see what learning issues you can take from this experience.
Jeff said some wise words – and I did feel you. I knew you were around, and that was comforting.
What is THE one thing that a fierce warrior would do if put in the same situation again?”
Jessa suddenly exclaims: “We shouldn’t have been separated to begin with at the vet.”
Kitty says:
“Exactly. Of course, each situation is different, so you cannot always plan, and often things don’t go as expected. That’s when listening within for the best response is helpful. When you listen within, you can act with integrity.
We are strong; you and I, and we understand each other. We came into each others’ life for a reason, and my soul rejoices in finding my soul sister as Kia had found hers.
Relax and be at peace. Acknowledge that you did very well. I have no complaints.
Life on Earth is a place to experience and share love, but it is also a place to grow.
We’re good together, for we respect each other and allow the other to live on their terms, while maintaining a deep soul-heart connection.
The connection will never be lost. Keep returning to your heart and feel me there. Whenever you think of me, I am right next to you with all my love and gratitude. I may leave at times, but I always come back, for my heart is yours.
As you go home, go with trust in your heart that I am fine and we are good. More than good, and my spirit is free. As you move forward, I may reach out at times. Simply listen within or connect with that inner knowing or feeling that tells you it’s me.
If you feel inspired, connect and learn from your other guides, Athena and Owl.
This was a magical nighttime encounter to get you in touch with your inner knowing and our spirit bond.
Use also the daytime to reach out to me and feel what that is like. That is about living freely with presence and joy. It’s fine to be ready to stand tall, and fight – but dont forget to love. To open and show your beautiful heart to those you trust and respect, and who respect you. It’s time for you to go home now. I’ll go with my friends for now, but we will see each other later.”
Kitty stretches up and rubs her face on Jessa’s, and says, “I love you so much, both of you.”
Owl comes and offers Jessa one of her feathers. Jessa thanks Owl, says goodbye to them all and leaves for home. I say thanks and goodbye and end the journey.
Image for educational purposes only.

Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Guidance Cards: Athena, “Inner Wisdom”