‘Your heart will always know when I am around’ ~Duke the angel cat

Duke quote image
Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking and the grief that follows difficult to cope with. I have loved and lost animal friends of my own, and one of the things I found most helpful in getting peace after pet loss is connecting with the animal in the afterlife.

For example, when my beloved cat Kia died all alone at the animal hospital in 2012 and I felt deep grief and much guilt, the only thing that helped me get peace of mind was to connect with Kia in the afterlife – to hear if she was okay and if she could forgive me. To do this I developed the Sacred Spirit Journey, which is a form of shamanic journey that includes my Sacred Spirit Writing technique.

I have done journeys for many clients and brought back healing messages from their beloved pets, and I am pleased to be able to share here a Sacred Spirit Journey for Kathy M. and her angel cat, Duke.

You can both listen to and read Duke’s message below.

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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Kathy’s angel cat Duke, I feel drawn into my heart center. I ask my spirit guide to help me make a connection with Duke.

To my surprise, my spirit guide hands me an envelope that contains a photo of Duke. I instantly feel that it is an invitation. I take the photo and hold it close to my heart.

As soon as I do that, the scene shifts, and we are in a magical nature landscape at night.

The sea is behind us and we are walking on a path up on a hill among trees. The moon is blessing the landscape with a magical soft light.

A woman that looks like, or is Rhiannon from Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, comes riding on a white horse.

For educational purposes only

She tells us to get up on the horse’s back behind her, so we do. As we ride in this beautiful landscape, I take it all in. There’s a peaceful atmosphere here.

She stops by a tree, and we get down. Duke is there. He is very friendly and welcoming. He also has a kind of regal energy or aura about him.

We notice Kathy is coming. She is walking towards us, carrying a little lantern. She reminds me of the Hermit tarot card (especially the version from Radleigh Valentine’s Angel Wisdom Tarot Cards), not just one who is a spiritual seeker, but someone who is holding the light and guiding others as well. Someone who is a light in the world.

The Hermit
For educational purposes only

Duke smiles a big smile and says:

“Exactly. Under my loving guidance, Kathy learned to go deeper within herself and get to know at a deeper level her heart and soul. She found within her the light I kindled. The little spark she already had, grew to a large divine flame of light during the years we spent together.

What we shared was not just a journey through life, but a journey of the soul.

In this landscape and with the guides that are here for her – yours truly included – Kathy will not be alone on her life’s continued journey. I will be by her side whenever she needs me”

Duke turns and walks over to Kathy and into her embrace. His purring, as she touches him, is calming.

Kathy says:

“Thank you, my sweet Duke, for everything you have done and been for me, for sharing your life with me, for blessing me with your love, presence, joy, and wisdom. You are one of a kind, and I will never forget you.”

Duke says:

“Our connection, our bond, is strong. It is a bond of the heart and soul. One that will last and bring us together again and again. Our souls are of the same family, and your heart will always know when I am around.

Explore ways of connecting with me. If you feel inspired, try the one we used here with the photo on the heart as a way to our landscape. Look within and let your heart guide you.

Your strong spiritual connection and adventurous soul will guide you to new experiences, lessons, love and wisdom. I am your guide, still. I ground you in your heart. I bring you peace.

Thank you sweet friend for your long and dedicated care and presence in my life. Nothing can stop our souls from sharing new journeys and walk together again.

As you walk forth, walk in faith, for I am beside you.

Duke cat quote image - walk in faith
Also notice the special guide that led you to this landscape. Both her and the horse can be guides for you if you wish. Just reach out to them. They are available to you with guidance and wisdom. They can inspire you to walk your soul’s path more boldly and more inspired, especially because you know I am there too.”

It is getting close to dawn. The sun is just beginning to rise. Rhiannon leaves and we thank her, but white horse stays, goes to Kathy, and they bond.

Kathy says: “I feel I have known you forever.”

Horse says:

“That’s because you have. Our bond is not new, just renewed.”

Kathy jumps up on horse, Duke too, and as the sun rises over the sea, making the water look sparkling, shimmering with light, they ride – or almost fly like the wind – along the beach. Kathy smiles. The feeling of freedom and connectedness is exhilarating and brings Kathy deep peace and joy. She is radiant. Duke looks at her, smiling with his eyes. His love is deep, and he has his own way of showing it. He will stand by her always, and he will never let her down. His love is true, and the strength of his spirit is magnificent.

I feel honored to have met them all. I raise my hand and wave to them and say: “Thank you all. Bless you.”

“We will be fine”, they say. “Thank you for reuniting us. Have a blessed journey home. Maybe we will see you another time.”

They each offer their gratitude and blessing, and say goodbye.

My spirit guide and I also depart. I just think of my heart center, and I travel back home through my heart. I am back in ordinary, physical reality.

What a fascinating journey, and what beautiful souls.

I give thanks and end the journey.

[client testimonial]
Thank you, was beautiful. I listen to it often and it brings me peace & comfort. I hope others find healing as well. My 13 1/2 year old dog is not doing well and I suddenly felt a strong presence of Duke around me. Being by the sea with Duke has a lot of meaning to me. I appreciate the comfort of this. I look forward to Tyler’s [message] as well.

Regards, Kathy

See also the Sacred Spirit Journey with a message from Kathy’s angel dog Tyler.

❤️ Receive a personal healing message from your pet

Receive a message from your pet I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. Learn more.

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