After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones. In the following I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Zoe the angel cat.
You can both listen to and read Zoe’s message below.
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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Zoe, I particularly notice how the sunlight shines through the leaves and flickers around me, and it looks as if the shadows are dancing.
“Maybe we are”, is the message that comes back to me.
Instantly, I feel I am in a forested area, also with sunlight dancing on the forest floor through the leaves. Also here we have a fascinating dance between light and darkness…
By a tree, in the flickering light, I see Zoe standing. She is waiting. Zoe is peaceful and very beautiful.
Zoe says:
“The dance of light and darkness: Watch it, and notice how much it resembles life.
We seek the light and try to avoid the shadows and the darkness, but isn’t that dance captivating and beautiful really?
It is not either or, but it is more a question of how you perceive it; of how you perceive life. Good things and challenging things occur in all our lives. Acknowledge and be present with it all, and let the peace you have deep within your heart guide you through.
It is also in your heart that you find the light of the Divine; the connection to the Divine that exists within each one of us.
We are more than our bodies, you know that so well. You didn’t just love me for my stunning blue eyes and physical beauty, but also, and perhaps especially, for my soul, my heart, and for the spirit bond that you recognize between us. That bond between us all via our hearts and souls: That bond still exists. It always will. Not even a sudden passing will change that.
I am at peace in the Light, filled with gratitude for the love, the companionship, our shared life. Grateful for having you all as my family.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, and I keep that joy I feel by thinking of you in my heart forever.
Acknowledge your grief and be present with the feeling of emptiness and heartbreak you feel right now.
Take the time to grieve. No one grieves the same way or in the same time. Honor your soul’s need for processing my loss.
But at the same time, look within your heart, beyond the grief and the heartache, and see the love and the light I left behind, and the joy. Celebrate that love that changed you forever.
We were meant to be together, and I enjoyed every moment of my life with you.
When you see the dancing sunlight and shadows, think of me and of the magical dance of light and beauty I brought into your life.
See the beauty around you. Take it in, and in the wonder you feel when you marvel at a special moment in nature, feel me close. That feeling of peace, of wonder, connects us, as does the joy of all the happy memories you have of us together.
Mixed with the joy will be grief, pain, and sadness, and that is okay. When you allow it all to be there, not trying to avoid anything, you will see that beyond that pain is my love, and you will know in your heart that I am still with you in spirit.
Besides signs in nature, you can also connect with me in a more active way. You can write me a letter, and then receive a letter back from me. It is a wonderful way of making your own personal connection with me.
You may at times feel I am gone, but really I am not. Just call my name, and I am by your side with all my love and my light. I love you all very much.”
Zoe stops speaking and she steps out fully in the sunlight. She is radiant, healthy and amazingly beautiful.
At that moment, a big, also stunningly beautiful white horse comes walking through the forest and stops next to us. The horse and Zoe know each other.
Zoe’s family have arrived, and they now come forward and greet both Zoe and the horse warmly. It is a wonderful reunion, and the horse is clearly part of the family.
Horse says:
“If you feel inspired, study horse and all my wonderful qualities: From teaching you to follow your intuition, to serve while keeping your soul free and wild, to stay grounded, to travel with ease, to reclaim your power – and via the unicorn form, which is also a horse relative – reconnect with magic and wonder. Not an insignificant part of what Zoe teaches.
We are both here for you .
As you walk home, walk in peace, for all is well in the Light. Carry that light you found here in your heart as you move forward and share it with the world. The world needs your love, your light, and your beautiful heart’s joy.
Blessings to you all, my friends.”
As Zoe’s family hug horse and Zoe, I feel clearly the connection they all have, and the power of the two spirit beings: The compassionate strength of horse, and the light-filled, gentle strength of Zoe.
Before they leave, Zoe comes close to Kim, and as she looks at her, I see Zoe’s stunning blue eyes. A blue so deep, l ike looking at the infinite blue sky.
At that moment, a blue flower appears in Kimberly’s hand.
“A gift from me to you”, Zoe says.
Kimberly thanks Zoe and holds the flower close to her heart. “I will always remember you, Zoe, and treasure the time we had together. Thank you for meeting us; thank you for everything, my sweetest heart. My girl. I love you.”
“I love you too”, Zoe smiles. She is at peace.
Kimberly and family walk home with the flower. Zoe and horse stay in the magical forest.
That magical forest is a very special place, and also a place Zoe’s family can meet her in meditations, or visualizations. The flickering light and shadows when the sun shines through the leaves of a tree, can perhaps be an inspiration and a way of connecting too.
I give thanks to my spirit guide, to Zoe and Horse, say goodbye and end the journey.
Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.