After the loss of a beloved pet,
one of the things that can bring real healing and comfort is connecting with the pet in the afterlife I have experienced that myself numerous times in connection with the passing of my own animal friends I have also seen it with clients who have received one of my Sacred Spirit Journeys with a message from their pet in the afterlife. I will share a very beautiful journey with a message from Artemis the angel cat to his human companion, Paula Sanchez.
You can both listen to and read the message from Artemis below.
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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Paula’s angel cat Artemis, I focus in my heart, sensing a soft light there. A little like the color of the cat, soft and beautiful like moonlight. A light beam goes out from my heart. I follow it with faith and trust, and soon find myself in a moonlit forest at night.
Peace, stillness, and the magical soft moonlight. I see a glimpse of a white unicorn walking by, and I think: “Anything is truly possible.” I feel gratitude in my heart, and the gratitude seems to create a special sacred place in a little clearing that now gets filled with soft light. I sit on the ground next to my spirit guide who puts out a bowl with his healing water. Out from behind a tree I see Artemis come walking towards us. Quietly, he walks straight to the water bowl and drinks the water. Afterwards, Artemis sits and looks at us closely . . .
Artemis says:
“Greetings. I am so happy you came to visit me.
I have been sending my love to Paula, but would love to get the opportunity to express my deep gratitude to her, to tell them both how much I love them, and that the light of their love and the gratitude has created a safe place for me.
All the way through the transition, I felt your love, and it is important to me to let you know that I am fine.
There is nothing I would want more than to see you happy too.
The magic and gentle love I showed you when I was alive is still available to you.
In this sacred forest, you can visit me. Practice using your imagination to get here. The way is through the heart, as you saw at the beginning of the journey.
Let go of all doubts and know that we can meet in spirit, and in your dreams.
My sudden passing is a reminder of the preciousness of life, of not taking life, or our loved ones for granted, but to appreciate every moment and every being in your life, and to be present with it all.
For you, the soft moonlight will be a gentle way to meet me. Use also the unicorn to guide you and remind you that miracles do occur; reminding you to see with your heart rather than seeing with your eyes only.
Through my name you also have a powerful reminder of the guardian I am and the protection that I and my friends provide.
Let the light of my love shine within your heart, and let go of any feelings of guilt and regret you may have.
I lived the life I loved, and I treasure every moment I shared with you.
Use this next period to connect with me and with your inner light, explore the depth of your spirit, and allow your soul to guide you. I will be ever present in and through your heart.
In your heart’s sacred space or on a moonlit night, you can easily connect with me. Also, find me in your dreams.
I send you all my blessings and all my love. The happy memories we created together will survive always and they too can light the way for you as you move forward.

Receive now the peace that I send. Let all the worries of the last day go, and focus on what’s important. What’s more important than our love? What’s more important than the peace and connection we have? Let nothing stand in the way of your experience of the bond we still have.
I am yours as you are mine.
In this peaceful forest, we will meet. In your heart’s sacred space you can always find me.
With all my love I send you my moon blessings. I look forward to a meeting of our souls. In peace and love, Artemis”
We say thanks and goodbye. I get a glimpse of Paula at home, looking out of the window at the moon, thinking of Artemis with love and gratitude. I end the journey.

In connection with this journey some interesting synchronicities took place On the day, and shortly before, receiving Paula’s email with a request for a message from her angel cat Artemis, I had been doing an oracle card reading on an area in my own life, and it was the ‘Artemis’ card from Doreen Virtue’s Goddess Guidance cards that came up Almost immediately afterwards, I opened my email to see Paula’s email where she had used only ‘Artemis’ in the subject line And later that same day, Artemis showed up several times. It is always an amazing feeling when synchronicities happen.
[Testimonial from Paula, Artemis’ human companion:]
“Your message has been such a gift to me, and not just your message but also what you shared with me when you received my email with the subject line only reading “Artemis”. I cried so hard when I read your email and then listened to your journey that you did for us
Even as I write this now, I’m beginning to tear because I feel like you truly get it. You know what our souls feel when our champion is no longer in the physical world with us.
Since I received your message, I’ve listened to it many times. We honored Artemis at our local Dia de Los Muertos in Hollywood last year and I even was visited by a cat at work that looked exactly like Artemis, and that same night I listened to your message and just let myself bawl it out because it was the closest I’ve ever gotten to a physical visit from the other side.
Your message played such a role in helping me heal. I cannot thank you enough, Marianne.”
~ Paula Sanchez
Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.