[A bond created in heaven: Comfort after pet loss with angel dog Winnie] I connected with Tamara’s beloved angel dog Winnie in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you. I did this Journey on Friday, February 9, 2024.
You can both read and listen to Winnie’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Tamara’s angel dog Winnie, I find myself by the sea. A landscape I often go to in my journeys. I see a whale swimmming around further out, and I watch it jumping up in the air, letting itself fall down again into the water. I hear the whale say:
“Let me help. I can help navigate through the emotions, release the hurt and the hanging on to what you fear losing. Once you surrender, you will discover it could not be lost anyway, for everything that is part of your heart and soul cannot be lost. Let go, let be, and healing can occur.”
As I stand looking at the whale and listen to its words, I notice Winnie is standing to my left. She looks at me with a smile and says:
“My message to Tamara is similar.”
Tamara shows up, and Winnie says to her:
“My precious friend, my soul family, fear not what you consider your loss, but center in your heart as you let everything be okay just the way it is. Surrender to the Now, accepting the present moment. You may think: ‘I cannot do it, it is too painful.’ But bear with me, and center for a moment in your heart with gratitude.”

“The gratitude part is important. It opens your heart in the midst of the pain.
As you center in your heart with gratitude and focus on me, look: There I am, right before you, looking into your eyes with a love that comes from deep within me. A love that is eternal, infinite, unconditional. A love that connects our hearts and souls.”
Winnie stops speaking and looks at Tamara with love.
Tamara thanks Winnie for her loving message and takes Winnie up in her arms. Winnie rubs her face against Tamara’s cheek and says:
“Thank you for all the good times we had, and thank you for standing by me during the tough times.
We are true friends, soul mates, standing by each other no matter what. Our bond is created in heaven, and nothing can break the connection we have, you and I.
You just need time to grieve and to adjust to this new way of living and connecting.
Remember as you move forward in your life, that I am never further than a thought or call away.
I saw your heart and soul and trust you implicitly.
I gladly accepted being part of your family and entering your loving care and home.
That surrendering to the love which I did: Let yourself be inspired by that now, and surrender now to the love we share. The love you know in your heart connects us across time and space.”

Send Iggy my love, and let him know I am okay. I will see him when it is his turn to enter the Light.”
“Actually, I am right here,” we hear Iggy say. He has come up from behind and moves close to Winnie. [Note: Iggy is alive and with Tamara in ordinary reality]
“I miss you,” says Iggy.
Winnie says:
“I know. I miss you and I love you too. Take care of Tamara. She needs you now, as you need her. Together you can make it through this period.
I will join you for your walks. I will rest with you and keep you company when you sleep. I hold you in my love, bringing you comfort and peace in your time of grief.
Trust that there is a way through.
Trust that I am near, that our hearts and souls are forever connected. We are family, now and forever.
I love you both so much, my sweet friends. Thank you for your companionship, for your love.”
Winnie gives Iggy a yellow ball and says:
“To bring joy and light to your day if it feels dark and lonely. Reminding you that my light shines its blessings upon you, and I am forever your friend.”
Iggy takes the yellow ball and we see how his face lights up. He looks up at Tamara with love and gratitude, and thanks Winnie for her gift and her love.
Winnie goes to Tamara and gives her a necklace with a locket with Winnie’s beautiful image. Tamara puts it on right away, and says:
“Thanks, Winnie. I feel that you are right here with me when I wear it.”
Winnie says, “That is because I am.”
Winnie, Tamara and Iggy stand close together, at peace, absorbed in their deep heart and soul connection with each other. As they stand there for a while, I hear the waves of the sea and feel a sea breeze.
Winnie says:
“It’s now time for me to go. You both will be fine. Just call on me and I will be with you. Walk in peace, my friends.”
We see a rainbow appearing, coming from the light above the water, and ending right next to Winnie. She begins to walk the rainbow, she turns and smiles. She blinks a couple of times, and as she does, we see some drops of water falling, and they shine with all the colors of the rainbow. The drops land on Tamara and Iggy, as they are blessed by Winnie.
Tamara says, “Thank you, my sweet Winnie. You will always have a place in my heart.”
As we wave, Winnie disappears into the Light. And Tamara and Iggy walk home.
I give thanks and end the journey.

You may also be interested in the Journey I did for Tamara’s angel dog Iggy:
‘When you see signs from us, trust your heart.’ ~ Angel dogs, Iggy and Winnie