A magical meeting with angel cat Lumi, and his letter to Sedona

[A magical meeting with angel cat Lumi, and his letter to Sedona] In this episode of the Healing Pet Loss Podcast, I will share the letters I wrote to and from angel cat Lumi on behalf of the cat’s grieving human companion, Sedona.

You can both read and listen to this magical meeting below.

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Let us begin. As I prepare to write the letters to and from Sedona’s angel cat Lumi, I several times hear the phrase:

   “Breathe into the Now”

And I have an experience of ‘rising above’ – like flying high up in the sky. The sky is clear blue, and below is a vast ocean. Below me, I also see dolphins jumping. It is a magnificent view.

I sense Lumi is with me. I just know in my heart that Lumi is here already, and that he knows everything, but I write the letter to him anyway.

   “Please do”, Lumi says and smiles.

I start writing:

“Dear Lumi,

I am writing to you on behalf of your human companion Sedona. She is struggling very much with grief and guilt in connection with your passing. She wants you to know that she loves you so very much and she misses you deeply.

While she struggles with what happened in connection with your passing, she also thinks with special gratitude on the memory of you and her during the wind storm. That’s her favorite memory.

She would really like to know what your favorite memory is. She needs to hear something uplifting right now.

There is so much I could write, but I feel you are aware of it all. That you are a very wise one. She would so very much like to receive a letter from you. A letter that she knows in her heart is from you, a letter where you share how you are doing, a letter that can also bring her comfort.

Sedona loves you beyond words, Lumi. You are her little light, now and forever.

Will you write a letter to Sedona now? I write this with respect and gratitude. My heart, mind and soul are open to you.

In the hope of hearing from you.

Yours respectfully,

Marianne Soucy”

I experience flying in the air, sitting with Lumi on the back of a big Eagle. Flying over the magnificent landscape – right now the ocean. I hand Lumi the letter.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart”, Lumi says, “for reaching out to me. Let’s invite Sedona up here with us. She could use some magic and peace just about now.”

As he says that, we see below us Sedona come floating or flying up to us, smiling and radiant as she sees Lumi.

Sedona comes over on Eagle’s back like it is the most natural thing in the world.

“It is, isn’t it?” Sedona says smiling.

“Indeed” I say.

There is plenty of space on Eagle’s back, and we thank him for carrying us. He is very friendly and powerful.

Sedona, Lumi, and I look around at the landscape for a while, taking in the beauty of it all. Sedona looks at Lumi again, and all her worries fade away as she is here with Lumi in this beautiful place. With deep peace and gratitude, Sedona says to Lumi, “Thank you, my love. Thank you for everything. You mean more to me than you will ever know.”

Lumi reaches up with a paw and touches the tear that falls down Sedona’s cheek and says gently:

“Dearest Sedona, my heart’s companion,

I do know the depth of your love for me. It is deeper than the deepest ocean and infinite as the vast blue sky.

Your total surrender to my love, and mine to yours, both of us knowing we were meant for each other during a key period in our lives: That made us so perfect for each other. Don’t let your grief and pain and worrying mind tell you otherwise.

Life in a physical form is filled with love, joy, struggles, and yes, also pain. All of it has been bearable, for we have always been there for each other.

In dark moments, I was your light, and you my anchor and guardian. Neither was alone. We both knew we were in it with our heart and soul. Unconditional love is just that: unconditional. That is what our love is.

Even in moments when you fear and doubt, your heart knows it belongs with mine, and that they can never be taken apart.

Wherever you are, I’m not far away. Just call on me, and I’ll be with you to bring you comfort and companionship.

I loved my life with you. I especially saw it as my mission to keep an eye on you, to watch over you and hold you in my love. Just as I needed a home and your love, you needed my love too. I feel honored to have had the opportunity to stand by you in a time of great challenge for you.”
Angel cat Lumi, Focus on our love - HealingPetLoss.com
“Focus on our love, my dear, on all our sweet memories, on the peace that your heart felt when you knew I was with you with all my heart and soul. That I was loyal, would always stand by you, and love you till the end of time.

I so loved it when in peaceful moments our hearts and souls were as one. That is what I especially take with me; feeling and knowing that our souls are connected beyond time and space.

Surrender to this peace now, and keep it in your heart as you go back home. Let the peace fill your whole body, your whole being and bring harmony and healing to you, the sweetest soul I know.

No ‘buts’. Instead, center in your heart, deep within your heart where you know beyond a doubt we are one and that our love conquers all. Our love lives forever.

With all my heart, and from now till eternity,

I am yours with gratitude,


As Lumi is done with his letter or message, I see how it is not just delivered in letter format, but I see how the energy and love of Lumi’s every word fill Sedona’s whole being. She looks relaxed, at peace, and holds Lumi close and kisses him while whispering:

“My sweetest Lumi, thank you for your message and your love. It will shine within my heart and soul forever. Till we meet again, for we will see each other, won’t we?”

“Indeed, we will” Lumi says.

They say a fond farewell, and as soon as they have done that, Sedona is back home, holding Lumi’s letter close to her heart, thanking him quietly as she places it close to a photo of Lumi.

I say goodbye and thanks to Lumi too, and in a flash of light, Lumi is gone.

Eagle takes me home. I give thanks and end the connection.

Before I end this Blog/Podcast, I will share Sedona’s reaction to my connection with her beloved cat Lumi. Her reaction also shows how important it is to follow your intuition. I am glad that I followed my intuition to go beyond the originally intended letter to and from Lumi but instead took a more mixed or journey-like approach, because otherwise we wouldn’t have the flying on eagle experience which ended up being so important to Sedona. This is what Sedona said after the journey:

“I was struck and in awe of us being on top of a giant eagle, flying over a vast ocean below… Why I said [in the connection] it is natural to do so, is because my first guided spiritual meditation with a “spirit animal” was on top of a giant eagle over a vast ocean as you described. I have had many spiritual meditations since, but since that was my first, it was always remembered vividly. It’s almost as if you tapped into that meditation. Thank you.”

“One other thing, I knew the day you were sending the letter. I was standing in my room where I keep a angelite crystal that lets you commune with your angels. When I found it in the store, it was the only angelite there and it matched Lumi’s grey spots with white flecks on his fur. When I held it, it was the first time since his passing I felt his energy, and sometimes, it feels like it smells like him. I also use it to call on others, but that day – I heard a voice saying to go and pick up the crystal and had a particularly strong connection with him. We had a long conversation, and I remember he wanted me to take care of my health, and it was like all that mattered was the love and joy we shared in that moment. I looked at the time, and it was at the same time when you sent Lumi’s letter.”

Lumi angel cat quote - peaceful moments -HealingPetLoss.com

❤️ Receive a Letter from your pet

I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal. From your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. Learn more.

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