Another way of dealing with guilt after pet loss

Guilt - Ho'oponopono - Healing Pet Loss - sh
Communicating With Guilt

As you may have read in my book “Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides“, communicating with your pet in the afterlife can bring much peace and comfort. However, in this exercise we are going to do something different, we are going to communicate with Guilt itself. I will share my own communication with Guilt, using the guilt I felt after my beloved cat Kia died alone in an animal hospital instead of at home with me and my husband.

My own conversation with Guilt

I prepare for this communication as I always do when using my Sacred Spirit Writing technique. As I begin I am surrounded by light and by many of my spirit guides and teachers.

My focus is to communicate with the guilt itself – with the guilt I still at times feel for the way my beloved angel cat Kia died. I have received numerous wise messages of love and peace from Kia, several of which I have shared in my book and published on this website. The guilt, although not as extreme or as often, still comes up from time to time, which is why I decided to speak directly to the guilt.

I begin by ‘greeting’ the guilt and then I ask a few pertinent questions.

Marianne: “Hello guilt! Why do I feel you? What is the bigger message here in connection with Kia’s death?”

Guilt: “I arise out of love – an all-encompassing, unconditional love for Kia, all that she was and is, as well as all that she meant to you. I represent the part of yourself who cannot accept any mistakes; who cannot accept that you simply did the best you could at the moment and out of love for your beloved Kia.”

Marianne: “Will I suffer this guilt always?”

Guilt: “I will stay with you as long as you cannot accept “what is”. Wanting things to be different than they are keep you in guilt, whereas acknowledging what happened and bringing it into your peace will transform the guilt into gratitude, for out of guilt some of the greatest lessons can be learned.”

Marianne: “How?”

Guilt: “You see, I am not here to condemn or judge; that’s where most people get me wrong. I’m here to help you grow. Enter each situation with gratitude and an open heart. Each being and situation are here to teach you. When you resist the teaching, you suffer. Let present-moment awareness and gratitude be a part of your daily life, and I [guilt] will vanish and leave you in peace.”

Marianne: “But what about the being who may have suffered because of my ignorance? How does the consideration for the other being fit in – if I was the cause of her suffering?”

Guilt: “When you stay in pain, you end up causing pain. Life is about learning; no actions get taken without occasional errors. It is how you deal with and learn from the errors you make, that determines your growth. It’s like a child learning how to walk: at first they fall, but they get up and continue, and eventually they walk. When you fall, don’t stay down – get up and continue, learning from that fall you just experienced.

And as for your concern for the other being that might have been hurt or that suffered: Practically speaking, what is done is done, so you honor them best by acknowledging their light, seeing them in the light and letting that light they shared become part of your gift to the world. Make their light matter by sharing their light; their lessons of love.

A simple way of making the journey from guilt to gratitude is by repeating the mantra: ” I’m sorry, Please forgive me, I love you, Thank you.” [ed.: the Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono] Try that. It’s an effective way of letting go of guilt and easing into peace and gratitude.”

Marianne: “Thank you. Anything else?”

Guilt: “Just one more thing: Practice letting go, for example by using the breath. Breathing in peace and light, and as you breathe out, let go of what you’re holding on to. Then you’ll see that there’s nothing to lose. That’s it for now.”

Marianne: “Thank you very much”

Action steps:

1) What is your biggest take-away from reading my conversation with Guilt above?

2) Now it’s your turn!

Take out your journal and communicate with your guilt. Start by writing:

“Hello guilt! Why do I feel you? What is the bigger message here?”

Observe what comes when you answer as Guilt.


Before you start, to take a few minutes to get into a state of peace. We are not approaching this exercise from the place of the mind, but rather from the heart.

Note: If you’re interested in learning my Sacred Spirit Writing technique, you can download my e-book “Introduction to Sacred Spirit Writing” from

Related articles:

Dealing with guilt and seeking forgiveness after pet loss
Kia’s insights on letting go of guilt after pet loss

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