Pet Loss: Saying Goodbye To Your Pet

Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking, and it is normal to feel a reluctance to say goodbye. The last thing we want to do is to let go of our trusted friend. But as hard as it is, saying goodbye can actually help you cope with and heal … [Read more...]

Animal Communication: A conversation with my cat Kia a week before she died

Communicating with a beloved pet is very rewarding, and brings not just healing, peace and a deeper connection with the animal, but it also gives you a chance to hear directly from your companion, how they are doing and how you can best help them. … [Read more...]

Kia and the butterfly: Animals as teachers of transformation

Animals are wonderful teachers and companions They bring us so much joy, and they make our lives rich and meaningful. In addition to teaching us about unconditional love and being in the present moment, animals can also be invaluable teachers of … [Read more...]

Pet loss: When you are still suffering years after the death of your pet

Several people have contacted me because they are struggling with long-term grief after pet loss. They feel they are stuck in pain, guilt, and sadness after the loss of their beloved pet. Many can see no way out and feel that they will never get over … [Read more...]

Dealing with guilt and seeking forgiveness after pet loss

The loss of a beloved pet is often accompanied by intense feelings of guilt and regret. You probably find yourself regretting things you did, or failed to do - before, during, or after your pet's death. You might also experience a need for … [Read more...]

Healing Pet Loss – 10 tips for coping with the loss of a pet (book)

"Healing Pet Loss - 10 tips for coping with the loss of a pet"(OUT OF PRINT) see trailer below httpv:// You can purchase “Healing Pet Loss: Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and … [Read more...]

Grieving The Loss Of A Pet During The Holidays: Suggestions For Coping

Christmas is traditionally a time for celebrating, but if you have recently lost a beloved animal companion, then you might find it hard to feel joyful and take part in celebrations. It is especially when the holiday preparations finally give way to … [Read more...]

Healing Pet Loss: A Thanksgiving message

Listen to a Thanksgiving message from Marianne Soucy by clicking below: Thanksgiving & Pet Loss This Thanksgiving, I suggest you take a little time to reflect on the life you shared with your pet and give thanks for all the love your pet gave … [Read more...]

Life After Pet Loss: A simple mindset shift that helps you heal

When you have been grieving the loss of your pet for a while, you might get to the point where you feel the need to move on but can’t seem to do it. You still feel overwhelmed by the guilt and stuck in the pain of the loss. So how do you move on … [Read more...]

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