[‘Keep your wild soul alive’ – Comfort, Healing, and Empowerment from the Sacred Spirit Journey for angel dog Max] I did this Sacred Spirit Journey (or Healing Pet Loss Journey) for Liliana and angel dog Max on Tuesday, September 19, 2023.
You can both read and listen to Max’ message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
Already before I start the journey, while I set my intention and begin my preparations, I get some insights, messages and images:
- Forgiveness
- Importance of the color sapphire blue (Archangel Michael)
- ‘Trust the bond’
- I saw and experienced being in a vast wide open wilderness area with Max before me, leading the way.
Archangel Michael says:
“I am a special guide to Max. He walks with me, and I offer him my guidance, protection and wisdom as he walks to share his light.
Max is a beautiful soul, blessed with deep wisdom and love, and a purpose beyond that of most dogs. Max insists that we stand by you.” [Archangel Michael is speaking to Liliana who is now beside me]
“Start by simply allowing yourself to be enveloped in beautiful sapphire blue light – Divinely blessed and protected.”
As Max turns towards us, I feel that we are now fully in his landscape.
It is nighttime in the open wilderness area. In the dark blue/black night sky, millions of stars twinkle. There is a feeling that the Divine is near.
Max and Liliana greet each other warmly, and Max says:
“Here, a little bit away from everything, where there is just us and the Divine, you can relax into my embrace. Into the peace, the love, and the forgiveness that I hold for you.
Surprises happen in life. Some are bigger than others. But here we are. You found your way to me – I am so pleased, proud, and happy. I knew you would listen to my message in your heart. That is how I often communicate with you.: As or via your inner voice, the voice of your heart and soul. It is easy for you to recognize, for when your heart’s voice speaks, you recognize it. And as our connection is one of the heart and soul, listening to your heart is a way to me too.”

“We are being put in many different situations, throughout our life, some easy, some very difficult. Some we may even have created or co-created.
‘But here we are’ – that acceptance of the present is key to understanding and to peace, for it holds no blame, only peace, forgiveness, and a way forward.
“But as you can see from my guide, Archangel Michael, it also requires us to stand in our strength with our guides, Divinely protected, consciously connecting with that guide.
Look within yourself to understand why. And connect with Archangel Michael yourself to learn, and let him and I walk beside you as you go forth.
I won’t abandon you just because I am no longer in my physical form. No, I and Archangel Michael walk with you as your companions, guides, and protectors.
Let yourself be at peace knowing that I am near.
As to your questions: No, I am not alone, as you have seen. I am in a wonderful wild place close to the Divine, with access to much power. Whatever power I have, I use it in your service, for my heart is by you. My heart belongs to you. One day when it is your time to cross, I will be there.
Open up to my signs and you will see them. Your heart will verify them for you.
You did everything you could for me. You loved me and cared for me. You were my best friend.
My love and blessings go to you both.”
Max stops speaking, and Liliana bends down and buries her face in Max’s fur.
As Liliana looks up, she and the rest of us see someone approaching in the distance.
It is a magnificent white wolf. The wolf walks confidently and calmly towards us. Max seems to know the wolf.
Max and wolf greet, sniff each other, circle around each other a few times, and then stand side by side facing Liliana.
Wolf says to Liliana:
“Keep your wild soul alive, your dreams, and your connection to the Divine. Your deep heart connection with Max is a way to all of them.
Max holds your dreams in his loving embrace, and reminds you of them as you look into his eyes and see your soul within his heart too.
One is two, and two is one. Never alone, for he walks with you.
Do not hold on to regrets, but fearlessly stand in the present moment where you will see that all you love is near – those alive, and those who passed.
See with your heart, and you will see them.
Have faith that all will be well.
You are one of us, and we won’t let you down.”
Liliana goes down on her knees and embraces them both, thanking them for their support, love, dedication, and unwavering loyalty.
Liliana says:
“I feel safe and protected. I feel loved.
I know that my Max is well, always by my side. I know that many guides are near him as well, empowering and guiding me too.
I am in awe and grateful. Thank you, my dearest Max. Thank you for everything. You are my heart. Your light will accompany me wherever I go.
Thank you. I love you.”
As she says that, we see that in the distance, the sun is rising. A new day is dawning. The rays of the sun shine on and bless everything and everyone. Its light brings hope, and a smile on all faces.
As we all stand in the morning light, we can truly see the beauty and magnificence of the landscape that stretches out far and wide.
As Liliana looks around, Max says:
“Come and visit us anytime. Just imagine being here, and you will be here. I will visit you too.”
They all say a warm goodbye. Looking around for a way to get home, a stream suddenly appears before Liliana. She smiles to Max and then jumps into the water, and the stream carries her into a mini waterfall, and as she flies a little through the air, she crosses from the spirit world to ordinary reality.
At home, it is almost as if Liliana came out from a poster image or painting.
Notes: Perhaps a way to travel between landscapes. If you stumble on a poster or painting that makes you feel like it is Max’s landscape, you can use that to connect with him, or you can use your imagination. Look within. The answer is there.
I thank all and say goodbye. I end the journey.