[Letters to and from Starlight before his passing] It is very tough when your pets get older and they can no longer do what they used to do. You realize that your time with them is limited, and the thought of life without them hits you hard. It is unbearable to think about.
We are currently experiencing that with our beloved cat Starlight. It is getting more difficult for him to move around, and he can no longer jump up and down from any height. We can see the difference in him, and know where we are heading.
I decided to connect with Starlight using the Healing Pet Loss 2-Letter Writing Technique to tell him how I feel and to to ask if he has a message for us. These Letters were written on Sunday, January 26, 2025.
You can both read and listen to this 2-Letter Writing below.
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Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
As I prepare to connect with Starlight, I listen to Erik Berglund’s ‘Healing Light’ music and set my intention. Right away, I feel Starlight come up on the chair I’m sitting on, and he lies down on my lap (although in ordinary reality he is resting in another room).
I write my letter to Starlight.
My dearest, precious, wonderful Starlight,
I am writing to you to let you know that I love you very much. I love our walks in the garden, and I love when you lie against my legs when I rest. It feels very comforting.
You are a challenging, little guy with strong opinions, but you are also a most affectionate one. I have come to appreciate you so very much.
I never forget the first time I connected with you in a journey years ago. The love, compassion, and gentleness I experienced in you there was new to me at the time, and it changed everything for me, for up till then, I had mostly seen your aggressive side because of your traumatic beginning in life before you came walking in to our garden as a kitten.
I am so grateful for you.
I remember the time we had to take you to the vet and leave you overnight. It was a most difficult experience for us, for the emptiness without you was tougher than we would have ever imagined.
A little of that fear of at some point having to go on without you, comes up these days as you are getting older and have weakened in the past months. Fortunately, you still eat and drink well, and we take our garden walks, so I move into gratitude and extra awareness of and care for you each and every day.
Besides letting you know how much I love you and that we are both here for you at all times, I wanted to reach out to you to hear directly from you how you are doing and what we can do for you. Do you have a message for us?
I look forward to hearing from you.
With much love and deep gratitude, Marianne
As I finish my letter, it is like Starlight is still on my lap (in spirit), and he sticks his head in over the paper I write on, having followed everything I have written. He looks at me, smiles and says:
“Now it’s my turn.”
Starlight dictates to me, or writes through me. And I begin:
Dearest Marianne,
My greetings and blessings to you both, and a big thank you for reaching out to me in this way. I so appreciate your love, concern, and care.
I have a happy home with you, and I have had many wonderful years.
I know I am not the easiest one to deal with, but we have both grown over the years, and like you, I also think that we have learned to understand each other at a deeper level.
I feel you see and understand my soul, and you are aware of my needs and wishes. Thank you very much for that. I know that will make this period easier than expected.
Focus on gratitude, on the heart-to-heart connection we have, and don’t take my occasional grumpiness or impatience, too seriously. I love you very much and look forward to our time together.”

I am glad you have learned to read when I need you to go with me to the mattress and comb, touch and sing to me. That personal attention means more to me than you will ever know.
As you have noticed, I have been getting weaker, but I am good – and I trust you both to care well for me. I know you both have my best interest in mind. You know what I want without me having to explain it to you.
I don’t really feel the need to go into all the details, but simply tell you that I trust you and expect you to do what is best for me.
You have always loved me, especially after that journey-meeting, so I know we are completely aligned, soul-wise.
Hold the love for me, provide for my needs, and sing your songs to me as I rest in your presence.
Let us hold gratitude at the forefront now.
Don’t worry, but take one day, one hour at a time.
I want to be by your side, when I live and when I pass. Even when I sleep in another room, I feel you near, because I feel your heart reaching out to me.
Thank you for everything.
I love you both so very much.
Your Starlight.

And those were the letters to and from my beloved (living) cat Starlight. I used the Healing Pet Loss 2-Letter Writing Technique. If you wish to use 2-Letter writing technique to connect with your pet – whether he or she is alive or has passed, you can learn how in my book: The Healing Pet Loss 2-Letter Writing Technique: Workbook with Instructions and Examples of Letters to and from Pets in the Afterlife (available on Amazon). You can read more about my books at HealingPetLoss.com.
❤️ Receive a personal message from your pet
Learn how you can receive a message from your beloved pet that has passed (either via the Sacred Spirit Journey or the Healing Pet Loss 2-Letter Writing Technique.You can learn how to use the Healing Pet Loss 2-Letter Writing Technique yourself: See Marianne’s book of the same name.