[Lucy, dog angel and Divine messenger (her message)]
In this blog, I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey with angel dog Lucy, a white greyhound. I connected with Lucy on behalf of her grieving human companion Lynn, 9 years ago, in 2015. I can hardly believe it has already been 9 years since I did this journey.
I have been wanting to share Lucy’s beautiful message ever since I did the journey, but somehow it never felt like the right time. Here in the summer of 2024, I know that now is the right time to share the Divine light, love, and energy of this precious angel dog, Lucy, who is a true angel, connected with and an emissary of the Divine.
Read and listen to Lucy’s message and look at her beautiful photo, and you will know what I mean.
You can both read and listen to Lucy’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
Lucy touched my heart deeply as I did the journey to connect with her years ago, and she still does today.
May her wise and beautiful message you are about to read, touch your heart and help you get a glimpse of the Divine which Lucy embodies so beautifully. Lucy, an earth angel, is now an angel in spirit.
Let us begin the journey….
Note that when Lucy speaks, she switches from addressing me and speaking directly to Lynn. It should be easy to tell to whom she is speaking.
I start my preparations to connect with Lucy in a Sacred Spirit Journey. As part of my preparations, I breathe in deeply, and relax into peace and presence on exhalation.
I experience waves of peace wash in over me, like the sounds of the waves rolling in on the beach by the sea, and retreating back again. Soothing, comforting sound. I find myself again on that special place by the sea I very often go to in my Sacred Spirit Journeys. Today I’m here almost instantly.
I’m standing on the beach with my spirit guide next to me, and he explains more about the preparatory grounding.
My spirit guide says:
“The tree grounding you often do in the beginning of the Sacred Spirit Journeys is a way into peace. And the sound of the waves [from the beginning of this journey] is another. It’s not so important what means you use; it’s the state you achieve. With the tree grounding, you tap into the power, energy and support of trees, of the Earth. And with the sea, you’re being supported by the water and the healing power of that special landscape.”

[At this point in the physical reality, in the place I am doing this journey, someone close by is playing a very special song that I feel relevant – it’s a most beautiful synchronicity, or a sign or confirmation if you wish, from Lucy. It is the song, “My Girl” by The Temptations where they start with: “I’ve got sunshine, on a cloudy day…” So beautiful.]
Just at this point where in ‘real’ life the beautiful song starts playing, here in the journey, Lucy is suddenly before me. She’s just sitting there – looking calm, friendly, open, and absolutely radiant. She is shining with a beautiful light which I cannot describe. The light is in and around her.
Marianne says:
“Hello Lucy, it’s good to see you. How beautiful and radiant you are. Can you tell me about yourself, and what message you have for Lynn?”
As Lucy begins speaking, along with her message also comes a ray of white light from her to my heart.
Lucy says:
“I speak the language of the heart. In life as well as in my pure spirit form, I embody the brightest light and unconditional love. I am a messenger from the angels – an angel in the shape of a dog, you may say. Angels don’t just have human form. Who is more angelic than a dog whose heart is shining bright, and sending out the purest love to all that she touches?”
Lucy stops talking for a moment and smiles with her eyes.
Lucy continues:
“I represent the spirit or essence that’s inherent in all, and I was sent to Earth to share that message, light, and love with those who came my way and were open to my special energy.
Lynn is my soul mate and she touched my heart as I did hers.
True communication and connection takes place on a deeper level than words; Lynn knows that, for she sees with her heart.
I come here today with a reminder to enter the stillness of the heart to find my shining light and presence. The angel you see in your heart – the light that shines there – is me.
When life is challenging, and you miss my physical body and companionship, allow yourself to be at peace and return to your heart. Find me deep in there, beneath all the pain and the loneliness.
In your heart, we are one.
In your heart, you can access my light.
And in your heart you’ll find my guiding love as you continue your earthly life.”

“I was spirit in physical form, reminding you that there’s more to you than your body. Your soul is unlimited, free and at one with me anytime you want.
You’re not the limited being you sometimes think you are. Your heart is as big as the universe, and your love all-encompassing. Use the image or feeling of me to access all the unused potential you have inside.
My lessons and my spirit is not something all are able to recognize and embrace, but Lynn does. She saw the depth of my love and the vastness of my spirit and welcomed me in her life.
I have a deep gratitude and love I wish to share, and with it, I lend you [Lynn] my radiant light to brighten your day and ease your soul’s path.
An easy way to connect with me is to think of one of the many fond memories of our time together. As you hold me present in your mind and in your heart, I’m there. Always and forever.”
Lucy stops speaking, and the light that surrounds her becomes increasingly radiant, and eventually she turns into light.
I thank Lucy for her beautiful message, and we say goodbye. She then disappears.
After she’s gone, I ask my spirit guide, why Lucy was so special.
My spirit guide says:
“Each being has a unique background, and mission. Lucy carries some very high vibrations, inspiring all she meets to rise above their limited thinking, and instead embrace a vastness of being and purity of soul that expands our hearts and light in this life and beyond.”
My spirit guide continues:
”Lucy is a gift and a blessing, a treasure and a jewel. The more you become aware in your life and the more you open your heart, the more likely you are to recognize the little angels that surround you. When you invite such an angel into your life, your life changes forever. Many blessings and love.”
I thank my spirit guide and end the journey.
❤️ Order a personal message from your pet
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal. From your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. Learn more.[Music: “My Girl”, by The Temptations: