[Overcoming emptiness after pet loss with angel cat Jeremias] I did this Healing Pet Loss Journey for Maria and her angel cat Jerimias on Sunday, November 5, 2023.
You can both read and listen to Jerimias’ message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Maria’s angel cat Jeremias, I am centered in my heart with gratitude. As I keep focusing in my heart with gratitude, the light in my heart gets stronger and expands, and with it, small flowers manifest, and my whole being is filled with light and colorful flowers with wonderful fragrance.
Still in my heart, now focusing on Jeremias, I see a light path appearing before me; a light path sprinkled with flowers and flower petals.
Jeremias is here. He walks before me, turns and looks at me and asks, “Are you coming?” as he continues walking.
“I’m with you,” I say. I follow Jeremias along with my spirit guide.
I notice that the light we are in turns slowly into a landscape. First, I see the blue sky above. Deep blue. The path is now a real path; a country or forest path. It is a wide path, and there is beautiful countryside landscape to our right and to our left.
We hear sounds behind us. Looking behind, I see a horse carriage with 2 horses, and Maria sitting in the open carriage.
“Hop in,” says Maria, smiling.
We all join her, and Jeremias jumps up on her lap and starts purring.
Maria holds Jerimias and tells him how much she loves him and misses him. As he looks into her eyes, all her fears, worries, sadness, disappear, and deep peace and gratitude fill her. Everything is okay in this moment. More than okay. Perfect.
“I wish this moment could last forever,” Maria says to Jeremias.
Jeremias answers:
“In a sense, it can, for our connection is of the heart and is unbreakable. It is eternal as our love, for it is love that connects us, eternal love.
Every time you center in your heart with gratitude and call my name, I am with you, comforting you, holding you in my love, in my peace, and in my light.”

“Trust our love as you always did. That doesn’t change because I am in spirit now. In fact, while our physical connection was important, our true connection is, as you know, of the heart and soul. Intangible, and yet reflected beautifully in the beauty of nature. To connect, you can also imagine touching and holding me when you get back. As you do, the memory of your touch lives within me as in you. It brings me close to you.
As you move forward, you do so with me by your side, so don’t worry. You can never leave me behind, for I am with you as I always have been.
My gratitude for our life together fills my heart and soul. I am so thankful to be part of your family and your life. Please bring my love and my blessings to all at home. I love you all so very much.
I am doing well, as you can see, and I am in beautiful landscapes, exploring, connecting with old friends, making new friends, and playing. And best of all, I love to spend time with you.
I always knew the depth of your love for me. Even when you weren’t with me, your heart always was.
In your life, moving forward, make time to “just BE” with the ones you love. With full awareness, with gratitude, expressing your appreciation for them, allowing differences to be there, seeing the heart and soul bond you have with them that go beyond any differences that may be.”

“Relax into the peace I hold for you and feel how my love heals your broken heart. Feel how, as we now reconnect, your heart slowly mends, held in my eternal love for you.
To overcome the emptiness, create reminders of me and of us, such as beautiful flowers, photos, anything that belongs to ‘us’ or that reminds you of our love. If you feel inspired, use your own artistic expression skills to create something from your heart to honor our life together, and our love. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It just needs to come from your heart. As I would never judge you, don’t judge yourself and your creations.
And by the way, feel free to come meet me in a horse carriage again.”
Jeremias smiles, and Maria does too.
We come to an open meadow with many wildflowers. As we get out of the horse carriage, we see a deer standing right before us, totally unafraid. The deer looks at Maria with kind, observant eyes.
Deer steps forward and invites Maria close. Slowly she steps forward, reaches out a hand and gently touches the deer. Deer allows it, and Maria is in awe. This rare moment will stay with her forever.
Deer says:
“Cherish the special moment, the sweetness of meeting pure souls like me and Jeremias. Animals are in touch with the Divine, and they can help you connect with the Divine within yourself when you feel you have lost touch with it.
Keep the magic alive in your heart.
I am here to help, if you need me.”
Maria thanks deer, and we watch as Deer runs away as suddenly as she arrived.
Maria sees the many wildflowers, and she immediately start to pick a beautiful bouquet of them. She makes 2 flower wreaths, one for herself, and one for Jeremias. When she is done, she places one on her head, and one on Jeremias. He looks so beautiful with it on, and so does she.
They go to a little pond nearby, bend forward and look at their reflections. They are soul family. Undoubtedly.
They turn to each other, and Maria embraces Jeremias. They say a warm farewell.
Jeremias says:
“Come see me anytime, or call and I’ll be there. I’ll love you always.”
Maria gets up in the horse carriage, and Jeremias walks over to the trees where Deer disappeared.
Maria waves to Jeremias, as he smiles and enters the forest.
Maria drives home with joy, love, peace, and gratitude in her heart.
As she comes home, she puts her hand in her pocket, and to her surprise, she takes out a photo of herself and Jeremias with their respective flower wreaths on.
Maria smiles and goes and places the photo in a prominent position where she will see it every day.
“Thank you, Jeremias, for everything. Thank you, my sweet love.”
I say goodbye and end the journey.

❤️ Receive a personal MESSAGE from your own pet
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal. From your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. Learn more.Tribute to Angel Cat Jeremias