[Pets are family, also in spirit: Meet Gregory’s angel dogs Zara, Rex and Jake] In this episode of the Healing Pet Loss Podcast and Blog, I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Gregory and his angel dog, Zara. I did this Journey on Wednesday May 1, 2019.
You can both read and listen to this Sacred Spirit Journey below.
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Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Zara, I focus on my heart center. I feel drawn to the Earth. I feel my feet connect with the Earth – through all the layers that are between my feet and the earth; the floor, the basement underneath me, the house foundation.
I see a path before me.
We are in an open nature landscape with some trees. It is the middle of the day as my spirit guide and I walk along the path.
My spirit guide says:
“Your soul’s journey is like walking this path. Different encounters, adventures are experienced along the way.”
As we walk, we meet Gregory’s angel dog Jake. He is waiting by the roadside, on the right. He carries a little ball in his mouth and he joins us.
Jake says, “We’ll wait for Gregory.”
“Here I am, my friend,” says Gregory, as he arrives.
It is a warm meeting between two old friends. Gregory has a smile on his face as he walks now with Jake by his side. We walk for a while. It is now late afternoon. On our left, a little bit from the road, is a big tree. An old oak tree. There is a bench by the tree, facing into the landscape.
We sit on the bench by the tree and watch as day turns into night. Peace settles on us all, and as the sky becomes a beautiful dark blue, a star starts blinking and growing, and suddenly it comes towards us.
Before us lands Rex – full of love, joy and light. He goes and greets everyone. He jumps up on Gregory’s lap and looks deep into his eyes. Rex sees Gregory’s soul, and Gregory, with the deep trust he carries for this beautiful soul, relaxes even deeper into peace.
Rex says:
“Let this meeting of our soul family bring you healing and peace. May it provide for you a feeling of home and an assurance that we are all with you on your soul’s path. May the love and joy we bring, bring you comfort today.”

They all three sit close together in the night, watching the night sky and the infinite stars. Our perspective shifts from the pain of the limited individual life span and apparent ending of it all, to an opening into or towards infinity, eternity, where the heart expands and the mind stops explaining. A centering in the Now where all is present, all is one.
When dawn approaches, we stand and begin walking along the path. The path twists and turns a few times, and the path goes up over a hill. As we get to the top of the hill, the first rays of the sun shine on us, and there in the sunlight – in the first rays of the rising sun – sits Zara. She is radiant. She greets them all warmly and then says:
“Follow me.”
We follow Zara through a little wood to a place where there is a hillside overlooking a beautiful valley. Everything is green. We all sit and are in awe of the landscape and the view. We can barely see the bottom of the valley.
Zara says:
“Acknowledge and appreciate what is before you and close to you, but don’t hold on to it. Lift your eyes and see beyond – see far – and let your eyes rest on infinity. That place where hearts, hurt by separation, become one unified heart, beating as one.
I bring, at the birth of a new day, the gift of renewal and the heart’s joy. I carry the wisdom of the ages, and in my eyes, you can see the wisdom that the Earth has long held and holds for you now.”
Gregory says, “That’s beautiful, but can you elaborate. Are you ok now? What is your plan? And can I do something for you?”
Zara smiles with great love and peace. She feels like an ancient, wise soul. Zara says:
“My plan is to take my place among the ancient ones in the North. The wisdom we share can benefit you now.
You don’t have to figure everything out for yourself, but as you walk your path and meet the directions and gifts of life, give and receive with an open heart and mind.
Renewal and new birth in the East, Flowering in the south, Release and soul searching in the West, and soul guidance in the North.
Find out for yourself what wisdom each direction holds for you.
With Jake, your heart’s flowers blossomed, with Rex your soul found itself, and with me you have a guide home; one who knows the way and knows your path.
I am the steady companion by your side, helping you see the big in the little, and the nearness in the big. Beyond and near are but two sides of the same coin.
I bring presence and peace.
Do not fear or doubt your path. Just follow your heart and your soul’s guidance.
We bring you joy; we bring you wonder and light, and the wisdom you know deep down you have always carried. We saw it in you before you did.
The beauty of your soul is reflected in our love for you. As a flower opens up to meet the sun, as the star sends its blessing light, and as the sun rises faithfully after each night, so do we stay by your side and guide you with our love. Your path of the heart and spirit is our path too.
As you hold us dear, we hold you triple-dear.”

Zara smiles and Gregory smiles too. He hugs her, and they sit close for a long time.
Then we all get up, and the dogs lead us to a small pavilion or temple of some kind. It’s simple but very beautiful and peaceful.
“This is your sanctuary, where your soul can always find peace. In the midst of this forest, your heart can find its home,” Zara says.
A little stream nearby is calming to listen to.
“We will await you here,” they say, “or call us, and we will be by your side.”
Love always,
Zara, Rex and Jake.”
And with the feeling and image of Gregory in his soul sanctuary with his soul’s companions, we give thanks, they say a warm goodbye, and I end the journey.