Starlight’s Last Day - Starlight lying on mattress - Marianne Soucy
[Starlight’s Last Day] In the previous blog / podcast episode, I shared a message from my cat Starlight from the day before his passing. In today’s blog / podcast, I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Starlight the following day – the day of his passing.

This journey I did in the morning, and Starlight passed around 10pm in the evening.

You can both read and listen to Starlight’s message below.

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This is what I wrote as I did the journey:

Our beloved Starlight is declining fast.

This morning, he can barely walk. L took him outside for his usual walk, and a few hours later, we carried Starlight outside in a basket so he could sniff and experience the outside, which he loves. He tried to walk a little.

As we came in, Starlight was lying on a mattress on the floor. I sat beside him and sang to him, brushed him, and told him I loved him. He looked up at me with his big eyes. There was definitely a connection there. A sacred moment.

Right now, as I do this journey, he is resting in a cupboard in the kitchen. The cupboard is half closed off, so he can get privacy and peace there, but still come out. He chose to go there himself. I am nearby, so I can hear if he calls out or moves. He is weak but doesn’t seem to be in distress or pain.

I connect with my guides, asking them for their assistance to get healing help, support and guidance for Starlight. Then, Starlight comes walking into the room where I am sitting, doing the journey. He lies down to rest in a corner close to me. There is no doubt in my mind that he knew I was reaching out to and for him in this journey. I am reminded of the part of his message from my last connection with him where he said:

“I want to be by your side, when I live and when I pass. Even when I sleep in another room, I feel you near, because I feel your heart reaching out to me.”

I continue the journey and ask my guides to help Starlight in any way he needs most right now.

I become fully present where I am. As I sit here doing the journey for our precious Starlight which I know we will have to say goodbye too soon, I feel my heart is breaking, but I must be strong so I can help him.

My spirit guide is there, right by me, saying softly:

“What happens if you let it break… your heart? What happens when you let it break open?”

Somehow when he says it, it is easy, for as he says it, it feels like my heart is breaking open – perhaps like a shell – and what is revealed is pure, Divine light. Filling not only my heart space but my whole being and beyond.

The spirit version of Starlight sees it, gets up and easily jumps into my heart space light.

“I like this”, Starlight says. This is healing for me. I am safe and held here. I feel the Love Divine. Thank you.

I join him in the heart light. We walk side by side. Starlight looks up at me with his big eyes and says, “Thank you.”

I smile and say: “Thank YOU. You mean so much to me.”

Starlight says:

“I know. I am sure you also know how much I love you. I came to see you. I knew you were reaching out to me before you had started. Thank you for holding the light for me. For providing this sacred space, the sanctuary for me. It makes things easier.”

I ask my guide, “Where are we going. Who can help Starlight?” And then I wait.

Eagle comes flying. He lands, and tells us to get up on his back.

Spirit Starlight is strong, so he comes up too. He is sitting right in front of me, while I hold him. My spirit guide is there too.

We fly high up, so high up that we can see the landscape below in all directions. The higher we get, the clearer it becomes. Standing on the ground, there was only light, but now I see the landscape clearly.

I spot our beach – the beach I go to often in my journeys. Eagle flies down to it. We all get off Eagle’s back and thank him.

Starlight sees our angel cat Peace sitting further down on the beach and heads straight towards Peace and greets him warmly.

Peace smiles, and says:

“I’m glad to see you, Starlight.” I am here for you. I have been where you are. You have nothing to fear. Many are here for you, ready to help, support and guide you. Be at peace, for all is well. Call me anytime.”

Starlight looks comforted and relaxed, and he sits next to Peace and looks with interest out over the water and around.

I see some dolphins jumping far out at sea. Starlight gets excited to see the dolphins. He is practically radiant.

Starlight says:

“If this is what the afterlife is like, I have no fear. Thank you, Peace, and thank you, Marianne. I am good. Let’s go home and make the most of the time I have left.”

I thank them all and take Starlight up in my arms and go back into and through the heart. Starlight again says, “I’m good,” and rests.

I give thanks and end the journey. - Star in Starlight's eye - Star in Starlight's eye, closeup Unaltered photo of Starlight with a star in his eye.

In the evening on that same day, it is clear that Starlight’s passing is imminent. To comfort him, I sit beside him, let his head rest in my hand and softly sing to him. Doing that clearly comforts him, and he rests, feeling and hearing me close.

He has always sought and needed comfort ever since he came into our yard as a tiny kitten, and I have always strived to be there for him, especially during his final hours before his passing.

He passed peacefully around 10pm that evening.

Interestingly, the place Starlight sought out when he passed, was a recently cleared-out corner in our living room. I had forgotten about it, but on the wall above Starlight I had put up an oracle card called ‘Leap’ from Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light cards. That felt very significant to us, since Starlight took his leap from that place.

While it was incredibly tough to lose our precious Starlight, I feel grateful that his passing was not a long, drawn-out and painful one, and that I was able to comfort him at the end.

I feel so blessed and thankful that Starlight was part of our family for so many years. Both I and my husband miss him a lot, and so does our cat Hope, his best friend. This little guy filled up the place like no other, and our place is empty without him. We have been blessed with many signs and synchronicities since he passed. Almost every day, he sends little signs that heal and warm our hearts. Thank you, Starlight. You will always have a place in our home and our hearts.

Hope & Starlight -

❤️ Receive a personal message from your pet

Learn how you can receive a message from your beloved pet that has passed (either via the Sacred Spirit Journey or the Healing Pet Loss 2-Letter Writing Technique.

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