If we can remain open and rise above heavy emotions, then synchronicities are bound to occur. The truth is that synchronicities will almost certainly occur, but if we are unable to recognize them, then we won’t know when we are missing them, will we? The key is not to go around looking for synchronicities; if you are open and cultivate the attitude that anything is possible, synchronicites will find you!
Synchronicities are common in connection with healing, and I have also experienced them in connection with pet loss. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that show you that there is a connection between and overlapping of what is inside and what is outside; the inner and the outer. Synchronicities remind you that the universe is nurturing and supports you. And in connection with pet loss, synchronicities can be a bridging or reaching out from the other side – a thinning of the veils between the worlds.
Following is a real life synchronicity after the death of my beloved black and white manx cat Rumi.
Rumi and the cherry blossoms
Rumi had died very suddenly and tragically, as he was run over by a car on one of his nightly rounds. Still in a state of shock a few days after the loss, my husband and I decided to break our routines and do something completely different, something that we very rarely did. We went to a special theme/amusement park which is known for its garden-like (green) atmosphere.
It is a beautiful sunny spring day, still and calm. We are walking and talking about Rumi, hoping that we will somehow get a sign that he is okay in the afterlife. We suddenly find ourselves standing in front of a group of magnificent cherry trees in full blossom with exquisitely beautiful pink flowers. Just as we become aware of the trees, they start releasing their flowers! There is a steady ‘snowfall’ of pink flower petals. It is as if the cherry trees had purposely decided to release their flowers just at that moment. We look around and see no sign of a breeze or movement in the other trees, all is still and calm. Yet, the cherry trees are shaking loose their blossoms, and this goes on for several minutes… We are not in doubt that Rumi is reaching out to say farewell and let us know he is ok in the afterlife.
This was a magical experience, and one synchronicity which we will always remember.
When synchronicities occur, you feel that your prayer has been heard, and it becomes so much easier to have faith and to trust.
This state of mind can be a great help in letting healing take place within you and your life.
Have you ever experienced a sign from your pet after he or she died that you knew deep inside was a message for you?
See also these related articles:
Remembering the love – a sacred spirit meeting with a beloved cat (Rumi and Sam)
When the unexpected death of your pet is too much to bear – a healing message from angel cat Sam
I lost my beautiful boy cat Boots . hit by a car 6/6/2023
A couple of days later distraught and desperate for some comfort some sign I actually asked God to reveal himself. Only a few minutes later I got home parked the car and stood by the roadside where 2 days earlier I had picked the body of my poor boy
A lady passed by looking at the ground and asked me if I have found a mobile phone I said I have not and explained why I was there she was very kind.i asked her where she had last used it and said its probably there. Which turned out to be a 3rd of a mile away. So i wished her luck but as I turned my head back towards my vigil i saw a phone sat on the wall inline with where my boy Boots body was lying I could not believe it and just kept saying its there its there trying to hold back this swell of emotion engulfing me at that moment I actually felt euphoric and a thought entered my mind the things that are lost will be found. Its easy to try and rationalize it but it really felt like it was something very special
It’s easy
A couple of years ago one of my very special beloved cats,Angel, passed away, which because of what we had shared and the circumstances that lead up to her death, devastated me. Apart from a dream I once had where I clearly saw her sitting behind a wire fence with complete darkness beyond her, I never saw any other indication at any time that she may have still been around me, despite constantly thinking about her and what happened that day. During this year there was a Blood moon in April causing a lunar eclipse and on the night of this moon, I was just sitting listening to music when ‘something’ caused me to look over at the photo of her I have in a frame. Suddenly as I looked at her face in the photo, as unbelievable as it may sound, her eyes appeared to come “alive” and as I gazed at this amazing sight they appeared to “move”! I started to cry with joy focusing intently on her eyes and telling her how much I still loved her and just talking to her about all the wonderful feelings she had brought into my life and how much I missed her, all the while watching her ‘moving’ eyes perusing my face! It was an incredible experience and I never told anyone about it as I knew it would probably just be considered as some kind of wishful-thinking illusion by anyone else who was not there to see it — but to this day I somehow knew that that night something had caused her beautiful spirit (possibly the blood moon!) to come through that photo to comfort me regarding how I was feeling over the loss of her.
Just shortly after my cat Angel passed away,I was lying in bed,deciding whether or not to get up. My other cat,Sarah jumped off the bed and went to her food dish. In a few seconds I could here her crunching. I turned over and was facing the window when I heard two soft meows from the floor . I turned over and said “what do you want Sarah?…..but there was no one there.I listened and could still here Sarah crunching away at her food.This all happened in a matter of a few minutes.There is no way I dreamt this.The two meows were distinct yet very soft….that was the way Angel meowed……she was just so gentle and sweet.Sarah’s meow is totally different and much louder.Was what I heard Angel? I don’t know. I just know for sure that this was not a dream! I miss her a lot! I hope she knows how much she meant to me.
I lost my beloved cat almost three weeks ago, the pain was terrible for a while. A year before that I lost another cat.
One day about 2 weeks ago, I saw the outline of a cat walking through my house. I am not sure which cat was, and this is first time I ever saw anything like this. I’m not sure which cat it was, but I know one of them letting me know she is still with us.
Another thing that happens is that I will sometimes lose control of the keyboard while am on the computer, My most recently departed kitty did this often when she was alive; sit on the keyboard wanting my attention and I would lose control of the keyboard.
Our family lost our dog last October 28, 2013. This is a long story but I will try to explain it all. Our dog, Oreo who was only two and a few months, was a mixed breed Feist all white with a couple black spots by her tail and black over each ear and eye. She was struck by a car outside the Union Church of Pocantico Hills near Sleepy Hollow, NY. We live in New Hampshire and had gone there for a fun weekend before Halloween. After the visit to the church we were heading home. My wife and I had been to the church long ago before our daughter was born and were amazed at the beauty of the stained glass windows, done by Marc Chagall, so we wanted to show them to our 9 year old daughter. Well we arrived just before they were going to close so I went in with our daughter and my wife stayed outside with our dog, Oreo. My wife made the mistake of taking Oreo off the leash and she ended up chasing a squirrel into the street where she was struck. Not knowing of the horrible accident outside the church my daughter and I were admiring the windows, particularly the one you see when you enter the church, titled The Crucifixion (Seek and Ye Shall Find). Well the doors flew open to my wife screaming, “Oreo’s been hit by a car!”. Needless to say the 3+ hour drive home was the longest of my life. Several weeks later I had put a picture of Oreo’s face on my computer at work as the background. Well one particular day I was talking to Oreo, telling her how much I love and miss her as I was logging on. When the screen came up there were what looked like rays of sun streaming across the picture of her, coming from the top left of the picture. At first I said to myself, “I don’t remember sunbeams being in that picture.” Then I wiped at the screen to ensure that there wasn’t something on the screen, but no just a little dust. So instead of taking a picture of the screen, which I wish I had, I tried opening a program on the computer. Well as soon as I did away went the rays of sun. At once I realized that it had been a sign from Oreo that she was ok, that she knew I love and miss her. It has been over five months and just typing this is bringing tears to my eyes. I at once called my wife and told her what I had seen, even specifying the direction of the rays for some reason. I had never witnessed anything like this before. Anyway several days later I remembered that the window in that church had rays of sun in them too! I looked up the window we had been looking at and realized that the rays of sun were also coming from the top left in the image on the window! Now I was really making some connections. The window was actually dedicated by the Rockefeller family to the lost son of Gov. Nelson Rockefeller, Michael. Michael had died at sea just off the coast of New Guinea while on an expedition. In fact this was actually the second synchronicity relating to the windows. First, when we had buried Oreo I had noticed some Johnny Jump-ups, little purple and yellow flowers, growing by our front step. Now remember this was Halloween time in New Hampshire, so I was surprised to see them and they meant something to me because of a story relating the opposing colors of purple and yellow used by Chagall in two windows that sat opposite of each other in the church. To him the purple symbolized despair and the yellow jubilation. Anyway I picked a few of the flowers and we put them in the box with Oreo when we buried her. The next weekend, we went to my mom’s house to get away and hopefully do some healing. Just before we left my wife found a book she had read a while back under some other magazines and things and suggested that I should read it. I took the book, The Shack, a popular novel about a man’s loss of his daughter and subsequent meeting with God. I read the book over the weekend realizing it was just what I needed at that moment. There was a very significant part of the book that takes place in a garden and the particular spot in the garden was a cascade of purple and yellow flowered bushes. This all seemed too interconnected, and all was even more confirmed when I read about the author of the book which tells that he was raised in New Guinea! That was where Michael Rockefeller had died, and he was the one that the window with the rays of sun in it was commissioned for. Now there was this circle of synchronicity. I knew when Oreo died at this church that it might be significant but now I felt like the universe wasn’t just speaking to me, it was screaming! Just seeing the rays of sun across Oreo’s picture is certainly enough and very comforting but now my eyes are wide open. I said to Oreo, “You were such an amazing dog, you had to leave here in an amazing way too. That church will now hold a different meaning for my family. The hard part was not only losing Oreo tragically but also leaving home with her and returning home with just her body, our family was forever changed.
I found all of these stories very comforting to me & I wanted to share mine in hopes that it would do the same for someone else. We were fortunate to love and be loved by our little yorkshire terrier “Layla”. We adopted her in Ohio and brought her back here to New Hampshire. We made the trip back and forth many times to visit family with Layla in tow. But she was a homebody & when we would near home we would say “Home Layla Home”, and she would be beside herself with excitement. So that word held a special meaning to her. Our poor baby was diagnosed by a neurologist with a horrific disease (NME). She was blind in one eye & had head tilt and was going down fast. It is a fatal disease but wih treatment we may have gotton a few more months but the symptoms worsen. The doctor said if it was her dog she would put her down so we did. I am still feeling guilty but I did not want her to experience the pain of this disease. I was crying on the way home & asking for a sign & her forgivness. We were with her when they were administering the anesthetic and my husband kept saying “Layla we are going home & you and I will go get the mail”, a favorite thing for her. We live in the middle of nowhere & never have we seen a dog in the road up here. All of a sudden here is this dog and my husband slammed on his brakes. I thought he had hit him but when I opened my door the dog ran by me and up a driveway. Then as we approached our mailbox my husband stopped abruptly & I was blinking my eyes we BOTH saw our little girl standing there by our mailbox, waiting. We pulled closer & she dissapeared but when we pulled back again, there she was. There is only one little weed in front of our mailbox, not enough of anything to look like a dog. We believe she had come “home” and was waiting for us.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story of seeing your angel dog as you came home.
Don & Bobbie Jo
Not sure if you’ll see this. I just lost my Layla on Saturday night 1/21/23
It’s been really rough for me..and then I came across your story about your Layla. It was beautiful. The rainbow bridge does exist. I’ll be waiting for my Layla as long as it takes..I still can’t sleep..but I will wait for her always. Thank you for sharing. -Dallas, Tx
Mahalo nui loa for sharing this site with us all. My beloved orange and white tabby Sox left the physical world this past Thanksgiving weekend. The morning he passed I was in a state of numbness and shock so a good friend coaxed me out that evening so I wouldn’t be alone with my grief. We ended up at an art gallery which I almost didn’t go to, but something obviously pulled me there. Not 15 min in and I look up to see a wall mural display covered in butterflies. The title of the piece: 20 Ways to Heaven. The butterfly theme continued the rest of the evening. I knew my Sox had given me the sign that he had crossed over peacefully and he was letting me know so I wouldn’t worry. He has continued giving me signs over the past month which help console me when grief strikes again. RIP, my little lion. I miss you so.
The night after one of my beloved cats, Fluffy, passed away, I lay in bed devastated at the loss of this treasured friend.
Prior to this a letter had arrived to be forwarded to my brother; I hadn’t looked at it closely, just saw who it was addressed to then put it aside for when he would next drop by.
Before going to sleep that night, I called out to ask him if possible, to send me some kind of sign that he was still ‘alive’, as I was trying to come to terms with the fact that he had gone.
That night I had a dream in which I saw my brother’s letter twirling about in a gust of wind.After waking I picked up the letter and when I put my glasses on and looked at the stamps, I saw that they had cats on them ! My beautiful Fluffy had answered my prayer.
After one of my beloved cats passed away, I was so distressed that I had arranged to go and see a medium one day after finishing work to see whether this person could somehow contact my beautiful cat.As I had planned to go there straight from work, I had with me some of his fur for the medium to hold.
I was just getting ready to leave and left my desk to use the bathroom; when I returned to the office I was astonished to SEE my beloved cat sitting on my desk, looking beautiful and shining with vibrant health ! I just stared in disbelief at the sight of him for about a minute and then he just disappeared in front of me.It was certainly not a hallucination and I was overwhelmed with joy that he had chosen to come back and visit me, knowing it would be such a comfort .From then on I realized that they do stay around us and if need be, even show themselves if necessary.
What a beautiful and powerful experience. There’s an interesting thing about your experience that can serve as a helpful pointer for others who wish to connect with their animals in the afterlife: You had set the intention to connect with your cat, and I have experienced many times how just setting the intention can be enough to get things moving or make the connection. Thank you for sharing it here. Peace and blessings, Marianne
I lost my most treasured Shih Tzu Ruby on September 3 of this year. Ruby lived with me for 13 months and was a rescued puppy mill breeding mama. She was 8 when I got her, mostly blind due to the simple but devastating neglect to treat her dry eye condition, had mammary tumors removed, and ultimately succumbed to leukemia. Ruby was a very special soul and affected me and all those who loved her profoundly. But I was completely head over heels in love with Ruby – utterly and unconditionally. Her will to live after her horrendous life in a cage inspired me. She had PTSD like myself and we healed each other over time. I helped her learn how to be a dog, including learning how to bark and even howl like the ancient inner wolf she harbored. Our “singing” sessions were ecstatic and very special to me.
I have been subscribed to your email list for a couple of weeks but hadn’t read any of them until Thursday – the message about synchronicity. I was afraid of even reading the messages you sent because of the depth of my sorrow and my fear that reading the emails would retrigger terrible grief.
BUT, I did read Thursday’s, and then I went to see the movie “Gravity.” In the movie, there is a point when the main character howls like a wolf. She’s howling with some dogs and just reveling in the expression of it.
I got chills when I saw this on the same day I’d read your message about synchronicity. I have experienced odd things each time I’ve lost a loved one, and I’ve been hearing Ruby in the house since she died. But this seemed orchestrated straight from Ruby to my heart. She’ll live always in me and I believe she is now a part of the beautiful energy that comprises our universe.
Thank you for the opportunity to share this story.
Sorry my english isnt very good. But I hope it will be possible to understand.
I met some years ago a very incredible person: Dr Marcel Benedetti, a Veterinary in São Paulo, Brazil, who wrote several books talking about the espirituality of animals, because he was also a medium. Specially, what hapens when they leave us in this life. Marcel, who was my friend the last years of his life (he died with 47 years in 2010), received several psychographies , he received these informations from the “other side”, from the spiritual colonies and spirits. He studied many and many years the Alan Kardec books or if you want: doctrine. In Brazil we call this line of thinking: Espiritismo, and there are thousends of books explaining about life in other levels, or dimensions.
But Marcel was one of the first persons who wrote about the life of animals after dead.
Unfortunately, their books arent still taranslated to english.
But if someone wants to talk with me about Marcel´s life or about Marcel discoverings, my mail is: rudybier[at]gmail.com
I live in Sao Paulo, and I am Marine Biologist
Best regards for all.
Hi Rudy, That sounds interesting. Do you happen to have links to some English posts/websites about him and his work? Best regards, Marianne Soucy
Hi Marianne,
I loved your story. I, too, found a synchronicity shortly after my beloved pet dog’s death. I found a small black crow feather that turned out to be two identical black crow feathers–one on top of each other–lying on the ground. As I am into shamanism I felt this was very symbolic: a feather for her and a feather for me!
Thanks for sharing your story, Catharine. What a beautiful example of synchronicity.