[When the unexpected death of your pet is too much to bear – a healing message from angel cat Sam] I connected with My beloved angel cat Sam in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you.
You can both read and listen to Sam’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Player FM, Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro
Sam was full of boundless joy and unlimited love. He was a TNR, a Trap, Neuter and Release cat, which we found out after taking him to the vet. We learned that Sam had traveled around 20 miles or 32 km over a period of years to find his forever home here with my husband and I. We were blessed with having Sam in our lives for a few years, but unfortunately Sam became ill and there was no treatment available. His pain and suffering worsened, and we had to make the most difficult decision to free him. You can read the very unique Sacred Spirit Journey I did in real-time during Sam’s passing in my Healing Pet Loss book (the expanded 2nd edition).
There is no limit to the number of Journeys or connections a person can make with their pet. Journeys can be done after your pet has passed as often as needed, and also when they are alive. I did this Journey to meet Sam on July 27, 2017, five months after his passing on February 20, 2017.
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Sam, it is raining outside. I center and allow myself to become still. I listen to the rain falling outside, and to the stillness around me and within.
Both my husband “L” and I are struggling with the pain of Sam’s sudden loss and especially my husband is having a hard time coping. I call on Sam and say: ”If you are around and you hear me, please come to me now and let me know how you are and how we can help you – and please send a message to my husband through me. I am listening.”

Sam says:
“The tears that are falling with the rain, are tears of sorrow and of joy. They are not separate. Don’t fight your grief, but acknowledge it as an expression of your love.
As you feel the emptiness after my loss, invite me into your heart. Don’t just get stuck in the pain, but acknowledge that your heart is breaking open. Let it be open, and let me come in and share with you there my undying love and my gratitude.
Let him know that I miss him too, and that I have been waiting for an invitation to enter his heart. I know his heart is full of love for me, but recently, the pain has partially closed it off for fear of more suffering.
Take a moment now to focus inside; rest your awareness in your heart, and imagine it opening like a door swings open to let the sunlight in, like the flower opens to celebrate the sun and life itself. You have life. You ARE life. Never forget that. Feel the life in your body. Experience it with a sense of deep gratitude.
Never take the gift of life for granted, but treasure every moment. As you saw from my sudden passing, life in a physical form is temporary and can end suddenly and unexpectedly. Never close your heart off to love. Dare live with an open heart and in deep gratitude.

Use my example. I was a living example in your life: I used the power of intention, and I lived consciously, joyfully in eternal love, joy and gratitude, sharing my love wholeheartedly every moment of the day and of the night, for I knew I had found my soul’s companions as I found you.
Our relationship now continues in spirit. Don’t resist that, but open up to the fact that I am okay, that I love you, and that I always will. As I have said before, I will return.
I came into your life in different forms, and you will only truly embrace my teachings and my gifts if you can embrace the preciousness of the present moment, the preciousness of life.
Live your life with intention. Intend to be happy, to live with love shining through each action you take.
BE the light you were destined to be. Don’t resist the light that you are. Do it for me. Do it for you.
Be the best you can. Be so that together we will move forward, me in spirit, you in physical form, side by side, making the world a better place. You can choose in every moment. It is your choice. Never forget that.
Keep the image of me in your heart, and let me be your guide as you let go of what was and embrace what is to come – as you embrace the light I send you and the light that you have inside and that wants to be shared.

Don’t hold back. The world needs your love, your caring heart. With me by your side, we can do it together. You are never alone.
Each time you look inside your heart,
see my loving heart there, and my joy.
Together we shall conquer.
Together we shall prevail.
Loving every minute in the presence of your loving heart.
I’m near when you need me. I’m by your side as you walk. Have faith, be at peace, and move forward in joy.
Your Sam.”
I then get an image of some blossoming cherry trees.
“That’s our place” I hear Sam and Rumi say. They are running around in a beautiful garden with pink blossoming cherry trees.
My spirit guide brings me a pink flower, and a Squirrel brings one to my husband. He takes it, holds it close to his heart and says, “Thank you”.
“You’re welcome.” Squirrel says.
I give thanks and end the journey.
Note: Rumi was a tuxedo cat like Sam, whom I cared for several years before I met Sam. Rumi died suddenly when he was hit by a car.
See also these related articles:
Remembering the love – a sacred spirit meeting with a beloved cat (Rumi and Sam)
Synchronicity after pet loss: a true story (Rumi and the Cherry Blossoms)