Being Present With The Dying

[Editor's note: This is a guest article written by Uma Girish, author of "Understanding Death: 10 Ways to Inner Peace for the Grieving." Uma has written about a very difficult topic with much peace and grace, and I am honored to be sharing her … [Read more...]

Pet Loss: Saying Goodbye To Your Pet

Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking, and it is normal to feel a reluctance to say goodbye. The last thing we want to do is to let go of our trusted friend. But as hard as it is, saying goodbye can actually help you cope with and heal … [Read more...]

Dealing with guilt and seeking forgiveness after pet loss

The loss of a beloved pet is often accompanied by intense feelings of guilt and regret. You probably find yourself regretting things you did, or failed to do - before, during, or after your pet's death. You might also experience a need for … [Read more...]

What if it was you?

How do you make the shift from grief to love and inner peace after the death of your beloved pet? If you have not already read my previous article, "It's not about the grief, it's about the love", go read it first, and then come back here to continue … [Read more...]

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