The long goodbye

Saying goodbye to a beloved petHaving to say goodbye to a beloved pet is one of the most difficult things we have to do as caretakers and companions of animals that we love and share our lives with. There are different kinds of goodbyes when we … [Read more...]

Using Sacred Spirit Journeys to cope with a dying pet

When you are in the situation where your beloved animal companion is dying, it can be hard to handle both on an emotional and practical level. It is heartbreaking to watch a beloved animal companion’s health fail and realize that soon they won’t be … [Read more...]

Healing Pet Loss Question and Answer Series no 1

httpv:// Marianne Soucy answers a question from a woman who is struggling to cope after having her beloved dog euthanized. Transcript of video: Welcome to the Healing Pet Loss Question & Answer Series. My … [Read more...]

Dealing with guilt and seeking forgiveness after pet loss

The loss of a beloved pet is often accompanied by intense feelings of guilt and regret. You probably find yourself regretting things you did, or failed to do - before, during, or after your pet's death. You might also experience a need for … [Read more...]

A Pet’s Prayer

A pet loss poem and a video on pet loss In this post you'll find a beautiful poem and a video about the loss of a beloved pet.  If I Should Grow Frail by Julia Napier If it should be that I grow frail and weak And pain does keep me from my … [Read more...]

Pet Euthanasia: How to prepare

The natural lifespan of the vast majority of our pets is short compared to the lifespan of humans. So it is very likely that you will outlive your pet, and sooner or later you are likely to experience losing your beloved animal companion. Some pets … [Read more...]

Euthanizing a pet

If you have had to make the decision to euthanize your pet, it's possible that you one moment feel that you did what was best for your pet, but that you the next moment feel torn apart by guilt and doubt, like for instance: Was it the right thing to … [Read more...]

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