‘Keep your wild soul alive’ – Comfort, Healing, and Empowerment from the Sacred Spirit Journey for angel dog Max

['Keep your wild soul alive' - Comfort, Healing, and Empowerment from the Sacred Spirit Journey for angel dog Max] I did this Sacred Spirit Journey (or Healing Pet Loss Journey) for Liliana and angel dog Max on Tuesday, September 19, 2023. You … [Read more...]

A Healing Message from the angel dog, Legend

Losing a beloved animal companion is heartbreaking and the grief that follows difficult to cope with. I have loved and lost animal friends of my own, and one of the things I found most helpful in getting peace after pet loss is connecting with the … [Read more...]

Embracing Forgiveness

Life wisdom from an animal companion Have you noticed that often in life we feel guilt and regret, and we may feel that we don’t deserve to be forgiven? Do we really need to stay stuck in guilt and feel that we are ’undeserving’ of forgiveness? This … [Read more...]

Another way of dealing with guilt after pet loss

Communicating With Guilt As you may have read in my book "Healing Pet Loss - Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides", communicating with your pet in the afterlife can bring much peace and comfort. However, … [Read more...]

Finding joy in the midst of grief after pet loss

In times of deep sorrow and grief, such as when you have lost your beloved animal companion, happiness and joy may be the furthest from your mind. You may find that all you can see is the emptiness left behind after your beloved animal friend is … [Read more...]

Insights on Forgiveness from an angel cat

From my own experience with losing a beloved animal companion, I have found that connecting with the animal in the afterlife can bring a degree of comfort and peace that can otherwise be impossible to obtain when you are grieving deeply the loss of … [Read more...]

3 Steps For Coping With Grief After Pet Loss

When you can see only darkness and you can't seem to cope or heal after the loss of a beloved animal companion, you are not only suffering immensely, you are also preventing yourself from connecting with your animal friend. In this article I will … [Read more...]

Dealing with guilt and seeking forgiveness after pet loss

The loss of a beloved pet is often accompanied by intense feelings of guilt and regret. You probably find yourself regretting things you did, or failed to do - before, during, or after your pet's death. You might also experience a need for … [Read more...]

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